We Make An Ally, Not

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"Ellén Trechend! A three-headed, fire-breathing dragon." Arin drew his sword. "Was that supposed to help?" I screamed at him. "No, it was just supposed to tell you what it is." I rolled my eyes. "MY PANTS ARE ON FIRE." He ran around rubbing his butt on things to get rid of the flames. I swung my sword around. Arin fell face-first into the ground. "Sorry Kendra, I'm a disappointment." He sighed into the ground. "Yes Arin, you are a big disappointment." I sighed at him. He stood up distracting the dragon long enough. But remember, 3 heads. One head turned to me and before I could react it sunk its teeth into my leg. Arin turned around. "Kendra!" I held my leg, not that it was making a difference. "Look I'm sorry, I'll get help and-" And he ran into a pole and was knocked out cold. "Arin, how are you this idiotic." I climbed behind a trash can dragging him. Fire surrounded me, the heat was unbearable. The last thing I remember was seeing someone run up to us.

I woke up in a dark cave. Water washed over my face now and then. "Good, you're awake. Who are you anyway?" A low voice asked from the other end of the cave. "Kendra Waters, daughter of Danu. Where is-"

"Your idiot? He's here. Knocked out, bandaged up your leg by the way." My leg was bandaged up to my knee. "Marl Azrael, son of Morrigan." My face lit up. "A son of Morrigan? Why aren't you at camp?"

"No one wants an outcast in camp."

"You wouldn't know if you're an outcast there."

"My mother already had a predetermined prophecy for the end of the world."


"My mother killed Cú Chulainn. Son of Lugh."

"Oh." We sat in awkward silence for a while. "So, what's the idiot's name?" He pointed to Arin. "Arin Connor, son of Erin. He is officially an idiot. Also, does your mom know anything about my mother being missing?" He turned around. "Danu? No, mom and Lugh had some argument about her." I nodded. "Yeah, she won't help in searching for her."

"That's my mom."


"She doesn't care anyway."

He looked down at his feet. "She doesn't care about her children either. Honestly, she gave us the power to feel when someone dies. People die every minute so every day you just feel sad." He looked genuinely sad. Tears welled up in his eyes. "C'mere." I hugged him, he awkwardly hugged back. "I'm fine, I just think someone died. I'm not sad." I pulled back laughing awkwardly. "Can you tell who died?" He nodded. "I just need to focus hard on that person."

"Can you do my dad?"

"What's his name?"

"Andrew Waters, he lives in San Francisco." He closed his eyes, his already dark aura spread around him. He opened his eyes and looked at me with his green eyes. "He's alive, he misses you." I threw my arms around him. He hugged back. "Seriously Kendra? I'm out for an hour and you found some guy to make out with?" I stepped back and facepalmed. "Says the guy who ran face-first into a pole." Mark walked to the mouth of the cave. "Mark Azrael, son of Cailleach." That wasn't his godly parent.

"Old hag lady?" Mark turned away, obviously offended. "I have met her before and she is quite nice, her looks are lacking but she's nice." Arin walked out of the cave stretching his back. "Also you guys have been out for a week?"

"A week?!" I and Arin stared at him in utter disbelief. He nodded nonchalantly like it wasn't a big deal. "That's normal, my brother and I were knocked out for two weeks when we arrived in Tír Na Anam. Our mom threw us in her castle and told us not to leave. We still ask souls to smuggle us gameboys from the Living World." He looked out. "Wait your mom? You're a son of Morrigan." He stepped back grabbing my hand. I stared at him weirdly. "Kendra, hurry we need to go we aren't safe." I pulled away and looked at Mark. He seemed hurt by Arin's actions. "No."

"Kendra Waters, don't be stubborn."

"I'm sure Mark is a good person."

"He's a son of Morrigan, you can't trust him."

Mark walked to the darker end of the cave. "He's right Kendra, I'm a monster."

"You've been nothing but nice."

"You haven't even known me for an hour officially. Not counting the week."

"Take us to Tír Na Anam and prove Arin the jerk here wrong."

"Yeah, sorry Sweetness but I don't do favors." He walked out and shape-shifted into a raven. "Thanks, Arin, you are officially an idiot." Arin put his hand on my shoulder. "Look, I'm sure he's told you a bunch of things about the bad things his mother has done." I nodded in defeat, he did say the terrible things his mom did. "But he could've been our way to Tír Na Anam." He rolled his eyes and we reached a town. Looking at the sign it said: 'Westport, CT.' "Great, that guy-"

"Mark" I interrupted. "Yes Mark, took us all the way here. To Connecticut of all places. Tír Na Anam is in" He paused for a moment. "Westport, Connecticut." He sighed in defeat. "Fine, Mark brought us here. He was- fine." I'd never been to Connecticut so it was cool. "Kendra, I'm gonna go get food. Stay here." He ran off to find food. I, on the other hand, began walking around. ADHD made it much harder to stay in one place. I turned a corner into an alley. "Didn't your friend say stay in one place?" A familiar voice said. It was sarcastic and sincere which was weird. I turned around and saw him. His black hair was unkempt and messy. His green eyes narrowed. "Ehh, ADHD makes it much harder to sit still." I rubbed the back of my neck. "If you're looking for the entrance to Tír Na Anam, I suggest looking for sewers." 'Look for sewers' made sense. He opened his mouth to say something but we heard Arin shouting my name. "Stay safe." He climbed up a ladder to the roof of the building.

"Kendra! There you are. Didn't I say stay in one place?" I gave him a look. He pulled out two pills. "Vertigo, take it." I swallowed the pill and looked around. "I think I know how to find Tír Na Anam." He looked up from the box of snickerdoodles he bought. "Rarry? Hor?" Which I understood as 'Really' and 'How'. "He swallowed the cookie and said. "How did you do it?" I shrugged my shoulders and looked around the sewers. "I'm just thinking if it's the Irish Underworld, it's underground?" I said resuming my search for the special sewer. "Find a sewer with any symbol of Morrigan." He nodded and walked around looking for anything. People were staring at us. You wouldn't stare when you see two 14 year-olds looking at sewer covers. I turned a corner before bumping into someone. I looked up to see a woman with a brown and gray kaleidoscope. She wore a long dress, behind her I could see people staring at her. Not the weird what-is-wrong-with-her stare, an actual she-looks-good stare. 

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