22 - The Calm Before the Storm

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The smile slid off of my face, an expression of confusion taking its place. I shut off the engine and stepped out of my truck, jogging over to the garage door. The paint was still wet, a sign that the perpetrator was still nearby.


He got out as well, running to join me.

I bent my head down, putting my lips to his ear, "Go inside. Now. Get my parents."

He didn't argue as he stepped away from me, disappearing with a flash.

I turned back to the door and ran a finger through the writing, rubbing it against my thumb. It couldn't have been there more than ten minutes.

I looked around, seeing through my wolf's eyes. With my enhanced sight, I could see as well as if it were daylight. A faint rustle caught my attention.

I squinted toward the trees at the end of the street, trying to catch further movement. Then a twig snapped and I saw something dart between the trees.


Justin and my parents had emerged from the house. I quickly put a finger to my lips to silence them, keeping my eyes on the forest.

"What is it?" Justin had come up beside me, following my gaze.

"I don't know, but I intend to find out," I whispered, beginning to make my way down the sidewalk.

I could hear faint rumbles of thunder in the distance as I moved quickly and quietly toward the trees, keeping low to the ground. Another rustle made me snap my head to the right, squinting to see through the gloomy half-light. Sure enough, I was able to pick out the silhouette of a person standing just inside the treeline. A few drops of rain started to fall, quickly becoming a light drizzle.

A sudden flash of lightning illuminated the scene, glinting off of a metal object that was presumably held by the unknown figure. Confused, I continued to advance, more cautiously now. There was a crack of thunder and the sky opened up, rain pounding against my back and head, soaking me instantly.

I could barely see the person anymore, even with my wolf's vision. Lightning continued to crackle through the air, loud thunderclaps quickly following and the interval between the two becoming less and less. I stopped a few feet from the trees, trying in vain to see through the blinding rain.

I yelled as lightning struck directly in front of me. Thunder cracked and something slammed into my shoulder, pain exploding throughout my body as I was thrown backward. I landed with a thud, screaming in pain.

'Sam!' Justin's thoughts exploded into my head.


'I'm coming, just hang in there.'

I lay on the road, breathing through my teeth and hissing in agony.

I saw three faces appear before my fading vision, watched their mouths moving but heard no sound coming out. The last thing I saw before I blacked out was Justin's terrified face.

"J - Justin ..."



I sobbed into Sam's chest, begging him to wake up, but no matter how hard I cried, no matter how loudly I screamed, no matter how vigorously I shook him, there was no change in his pale, lifeless face. Eventually I ran out of steam and slouched on top of him, crying silently. Suddenly he took a deep breath and shot up, causing me to fall off of him in shock.

Learning to Love My Other Half (werewolf)(boyxboy)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن