15 - Andréas' Confession

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Hey guys! So I'm finally ahead with my writing again! Can I hear a woot woot?! XD Again sorry for the confusion, Sam's dad's name is Bryan. Just thought I'd clear that up :) Here's the next chapter! Things really start to heat up now!

Random Fangirls: *high-pitched squeals*

Me: "No! Not like that!"

Random Fangirls: "Awwwwwww"

Anywhore, enjoy XD

LOOKIE!!! Is Andréas! (AKA ASSHOLE) --> 


15 - Andréas' Confession


I gasped when my dad and I rejoined the others. The room was full of people. I saw Jordan Merrik, the alpha of the Blue Lightning pack, and John Abbot, alpha of Black Death. They were conversing with my mom, who looked anxious.

My dad went to join them, leaving me to stand in the middle of the floor, hugging myself.

"Hey," I heard a soft voice say from behind me, "You okay?"

I looked round to see Katie walking toward me.

"Yeah, fine." I sighed, "Just worried about Justin."

"He'll be ok," she said, putting a reassuring hand on my shoulder.

I smiled weakly at her, grateful for her attempts to make me feel better.

She opened her mouth to say something, but was cut off by a loud booming laugh.

'Well, that was easier than I expected it to be. I thought the Phoenix pack would put up more of a fight to protect their future alpha.'

I was filled with dread as the voice continued, 'Of course, as promised, I will release the boy. Why don't you come and get him Sam? It will give you a chance to see your precious mate one last time.'

Everyone in the room turned to me. I just stood there, clenching and unclenching my fists, blind with rage.

'Come meet us at the front doors of the school, we'll be waiting.'

The raspy voice withdrew, leaving a fog of silence in its wake. Then I ran toward the gym doors, crashing through them and skidding around the corner. I heard several people call my name, but ignored them, my thoughts on Justin only.

I burst through the front doors, searching desperately through the driving rain for a hint of the rogues or Justin. Lightning flashed and I used the split second of light to look in all directions. Another flash and suddenly they were there, standing in front of me.

I saw Justin beside what looked like the leader.

The man was standing slightly apart from the rest of the group. He was tall and important looking, his long, black hair twisting in the wind. He had a wild look playing across his face, making him seem slightly deranged.

"Justin!" I yelled, "JUSTIN!"

He shook his head, warning me not to, but I ignored him, continuing to curse and yell at the man standing beside my mate.

"Enough!" he called, putting a filthy hand on Justin's neck. I fell silent immediately.

The man gave a short, barking laugh, walking toward me a few feet, "Well, well, if it isn't the famous Sam Thomas."

I snarled at him, my baring my teeth.

"I knew you would come," he continued, "I just needed the right – bait."

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