10 - Luca

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Ok, first of all, I'm so sorry guys! I know I haven't posted in like forever. It's been very busy in my life lately and I just haven't had time. So I'm really sorry about that. Second, please show your opinion! I want to know what all of you think! Third, please read the author's note at the bottom, it should clear some things up for you. And last but not least, please enjoy! :)


10 - Luca


Summer days at the pack house were always interesting. Nobody was in school so it was much more crowded than it usually is; louder too. 

I was lying on the couch in the common room, reading a really good book and eating grapes. It was hot out and everyone was inside, occupying themselves one way or another. I kept getting interrupted and had finally gotten to read more than a page when the peace was shattered by someone jumping over the back of the couch and onto my chest. 

"Oouf," I grunted, the breath being knocked out of me. 

I put down my book and looked up to see who the culprit was. 

Little four year old Luca was sitting there grinning like the devil himself. His blonde hair was a mess and his big ocean blue eyes swam with excitement. 

"Hey there little man!" I smiled, at him, ruffling his hair, "What's up?" 

He giggled, "There is a big boy at the door, almost as big as you! He is looking for you. You want me to go an get him?"

"Sure buddy, thank you. You're a big help." He smiled, looking pleased with himself, and went to get who I presumed was Justin. 

A few moments later, my suspicions were proved correct as I saw Luca re-enter the room, my boyfriend in tow. 

"Hey love," I greeted Justin, kissing him. 

He sat down beside me and Luca sat between us, resting his head on Justin's arm. 

I smiled, "Looks like you've made a friend." 

"So I have," he laughed, stroking Luca's hair, "And what's your name?" 

"Luca! I'm four," the boy bubbled, holding up four fingers. 

"Well Luca, it's nice to meet you," Justin said, chuckling at his antics. 

"Are you Sammy's boyfriend?" The younger boy asked. 

"That I am," Justin replied, smirking at me, "Sammy huh? I'll need to remember that."

He snickered, and I stuck my tongue out at him. 


Luca nodded and scrunched up his nose, as if scrutinizing Justin. "I like you, you're nice," he said eventually. 

"Well, thank you, I like you too," he touched Luca's nose, making the boy giggle.  

I felt really bad for Luca. He had lost his parents when he was a newborn and couldn't even remember them. He had been brought in by my dad and cared for by the whole pack. However he still lacked actual parents and the love that they could bring. I always made a point of spending time with him and he'd become like a little brother to me.

"Wanna play?" Luca looked at the two of us hopefully. 

"Sure," I smiled, Justin nodding, "What do you want to do?" 

The four year old looked down, thinking. 

"Can we go to the lake?" 

"Yeah, that's a good idea! It'll be a good way to cool off. Let's go get you changed." I turned to Justin, "I have a pair of swim trunks you can borrow, come on." 

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