return to loo loo land

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Right now Mike is laying down in bed relaxing after the whole kidnapping situation and just taking it easy. He than hears a knock on the door and went to awnser it, it turned out to be octavia.

"Hey kiddo I was wondering if you want to come with me and my family to loo loo land in the greed ring". Asked octavia.

"Sure sounds fun". Said Mike. "Just let me ask my mom".

"No need she's fine with it, now let's get a move on. And your grandpa, aunt and uncle will be be our bodyguards" .Said octavia.

"What about mom?" Asked Mike.

"Can't go sorry, Collin and I have plans today so have fun". said loona.

Then blitz called moxxie and millie on the megaphone. And the same shit happened again like in episode 2.

Loona then gets irritated and yells, "SHUT THE FUCK UP!".


As they arrive at loo loo land Mike asked why they chose to come here, from what he remembers octavia hates this place.

"Me and my family are going on a bonding activity plus I thought you'd like it". Said octavia.

"Well let's go right on in". Said stolas.

"Alright just don't try poking my ass while I'm working okay I'm a married man". Said blitz.

"Oh don't worry blitz, the only ass I'll be poking will be my wife's gorgeous behind". Said stolas as he pulls stella in closer.

"Oh you Naughty boy". Said stella.

Both Mike and Octavia fake puke at seeing that.

"Are you alright I have plenty of medicines here incase you need it". Said moxxie.

"It's alright moxxie I'll be fine". Said Mike.

"Well come on this day isn't gonna have fun on it's own".  Said millie.

As they entered both moxxie and mike got startled by the mascot loo loo.

"Welcome to loo loo land!" said loo loo.

Octavia than pulls Mike close to her and  calls the mascot a pervert. And the mascot says it's his first day.

Both stolas and stella spot some fun rides and asks Mike if he wants to ride with octavia and them. Mike nods yes and they all went on the ride together after that Both Mike and Octavia were a little dizzy from the ride and sat down for awhile. Just than an assassin tried to jump them and millie shot him in the head.

"That's why I love you dear". Said moxxie.

"I love you even more hun". Said millie.

"Why don't you two have a little fun besides we have blitz to guard us". Said stolas.

"Are you sure". Asked moxxie.

"Very much now go shu and have fun". Said stella.

Millie picked up moxxie and they went on the same ride like in ep 2. Moxxie was not looking forward to that.

Than stolas points to the tent which fizzarolli is preforming. And like in ep 2 both octavia and blitz say at the same time "I hate that fucking clown".

"Who's fizzarolli?" Asked Mike.

"Trust me kid your better off not knowing". Said blitz.

Than stella was being dragged of by kidnappers than stolas turned them to stone and saved his wife.

As they arrive inside the tent the show started. And very familiar voice spoke, "welcome one and all to loo loo lands one and only fizzarolli". Said fizzarolli.

"Oh shit it's the real one"said blitz.

"Now the only reason I'm here is because my robotic replacement is not ready so until he's finished I'll be in his place." Said fizzarolli.

Blitz kept his head down trying not to be spotted but fizzarolli spots Mike and decides to get up close to him.

"Well well well looks like we have a celebrity here, the angel hound has graced us with his presence". Said fizzarolli.

Mike than got nervous and octavia pulls him in closer. Because she knows that mikes not comfortable with being the center of attention.

"What's wrong kiddo can't speaking or won't speak". Said fizzarolli.

"Hey leave him alone you annoying fuck" said octavia.

"Oh my if it isn't octavia goetia and the rest of the ares goetia family I wonder why your here". Said fizzarolli.

Stella was starting to get mad and stolas held her back. While fizzarolli tries to grab Mike.

"Stay the fuck away from him!" Shouted octavia.

"Or what huh princess!" Said fizzarolli.

Just than fizzarolli gets hit in the back of the head with a hammer. By blitz.

"Sorry couldn't resist I just had to do it." Said blitz.

"No problem grandpa now i see why you hate this guy he's very annoying." Said mike.

Just than octavia picked up Mike like how stolas picked up octavia in ep 2 and a assassin tried to kill he but she turns around and turns him to stone. And her parents smiled at that. Sight.

And the trip was over they all decided it was time to go home.

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