24. Jordi Talks Star Trek

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I'm so proud of him. I had thought about asking him out myself, but I wasn't sure how he'd take it. Sometimes boy's egos mystify me.

His ears are bright red, but his grin is huge, completely uninhibited. I would pay money to find out what's going through his mind right this second.

As we continue chatting, Seth seems to relax more, becoming more animated. Even funnier than before. It was as if he'd forgotten about the preconceived notions he had about himself. It makes me wonder why this version of Seth can't be out all the time. People would flock to him, and he would never think himself a loser again.

"Favorite Star Trek character and why." Seth rotates himself with his feet around and around on his swing, watching the chain twine in the middle.

"We're talking Next Generation, right?" I clarify.

"Whichever one you want." He picks his feet up and lets himself spin out.

"It would have to be Dr. Crusher. She says what she thinks, is smarter than most doctors, and has beautiful hair."

"You have beautiful hair too. I always thought so. When we first met, I had this stupid urge to tug on a curl and watch it bounce. Thankfully I remembered my manners and didn't treat you like a human slinky."

His compliment warms my cheeks as I laugh at his slinky comment.

"Your turn," I remind him.

Seth starts swinging gently forward and back. "For me it's Worf. He's tough, strong, and principled. Always tries to do the right thing. Although..." He gives me a quick glance. "Geordi La Forge is quickly gaining ground. He's one brilliant man. Plus he reminds me of someone with a similar name."

"Ha. Okay, I've got a question."

"I'm ready."

"Are you sure about that?" I tease.

He widens his eyes and rears his head with dramatic flair. "Well, now I'm not so sure."

I pause for effect.

His brown eyes almost sparkle as he gazes at me, eyebrows raised expectantly.

"If you could live in the Star Trek universe but had to leave everything behind, would you?"

"In a heartbeat," he answers without hesitation.

"You wouldn't miss your family?"

"Well..." He sways back and forth a little. "I'd probably miss my dad. But..." His eyes stray to the sky. "Considering I'd be living in a time where Earth has solved all its social, economic, and political issues, it might be worth the tradeoff." He peeks back at me. "Is that bad?"

"No," I reply, evaluating him a moment. He wouldn'tmiss his mom even a little? I miss mine every single day. "It's enlightening."

"I'd miss you for sure, though! I'd think twice about going if it meant I couldn't bring you with me."

Warmth curls through my insides. I'm trying to formulate a reply, but am interrupted.

"Captain, incoming message." The resonant voice of Worf sounds from his back pocket, making me grin.

He pulls out his phone. "It's Tai. They're done for the day."

"Already?" I want more time. Seth has finally defrosted, and I really like this version of him.

"We can give you a ride home," he offers, looking excited by the prospect.

I'm not so keen about the day ending so soon, but I'm not sure what to suggest.

He must have noticed my hesitation, because he quickly adds, "Or we could just go somewhere. Hang out."

I smile at his perceptiveness. Another point for Seth. "I'd like that."

"He says he'll be here in ten minutes." He puts his phone away. "So basically an hour."

I chuckle at that. "Sometimes he arrives late to games too. It's pretty funny. The coach always freaks out when his starters are late, but the rest of the team never worry because Tai always shows up. Eventually."

His face changes, becomes wary. "You went to a lot of football games?"

"I kind of had to."

"Dutiful girlfriend and all." He seems to change, his features shuttering.

I take a mental step back. "Um, yeah. Something like that."

"That's cool. Why wouldn't you want to go see Dustin in action?" His tone takes on a sarcastic edge that doesn't suit him.

I don't understand what's happening. Does he feel intimidated by Dustin? Didn't I make it clear I'm not with him anymore? I'm not sure what to say to that.

An awkward minute ticks by.

He seems lost in thought, drawing circles in the sand with his foot.

I can't stand it. I have to break the silence. "Seth, what are you thinking about?"

His head snaps up like he's forgotten I'm here. "Oh, um... nothing."

We both know it isn't true, but what am I going to do, coerce it out of him?

It's a relief when Tai finally arrives at the park. "Where can I take you kids?" he asks in his usual good-natured manner.

Seth begins, "I was thinking we could—"

"I just want to go home," I cut in. "I'm kind of tired."

Tai's eyes flick from Seth to Jordi. "Whatever the lady wants."

Seth pulls the front passenger door open and waits, but I ignore it and stuff myself into the back seat, avoiding his eyes. Dustin never had these weird mood swings. Then again, Dustin never had to be jealous of anyone. Still, what was Seth's problem?

I give directions to my apartment complex and settle back to stew over the day's events.

I'm guessing there are no votes in that stew. Shall we add some?

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