Chapter 9 - Where Did I go Wrong?

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Three weeks after the accident.

"Please, just wake up, love," Cathy whispered, her voice thick with exhaustion and fear as she sat by Jake's hospital bed, her eyes filled with weariness and dread. Jake had stirred twice since being admitted to the hospital – once when Cathy arrived, desperate for answers, and again when the doctor delivered the grim news of his worsening condition. But each time, his eyes remained closed, his body locked in a silent battle against the infection raging within him.

"Jake, please," Cathy pleaded, her voice cracking with emotion as she reached out to brush a stray lock of hair from his forehead. All she wanted was for her son to open his eyes, to assure her that he was going to be okay.

As the door creaked open, a warm voice broke through the solemn silence, pulling Cathy from her reverie. She turned to see Liam standing in the doorway, his expression a mix of concern and hope.

"How is he?" Liam asked, his voice soft with genuine concern as he stepped into the room, his eyes searching Cathy's for any sign of reassurance.

"I wish I could say there's been improvement, but he's still fighting," Cathy replied, her voice heavy with resignation. "We're not giving up on him. He may not be awake, but he will wake up. We just have to keep holding onto that hope – he's just sleeping."

Cathy rose from her seat, placing a comforting hand on Liam's shoulder before sighing heavily. "I'm going for a coffee. Would you like one?" she offered, the gesture a small but welcome distraction from the weight of their shared worry.

As Cathy stepped out of the room, leaving Liam alone with Jake, she couldn't help but reflect on the challenges they had faced. She had spoken to Liam countless times about his actions, about the rift he had caused in their friendship. And while anger still simmered within her, she understood that it wasn't solely his fault – it was a product of his upbringing, of the environment he had been raised in. Her heart ached for both Jake and Liam, bound together by circumstance and fate, their futures uncertain but intertwined nonetheless.


"So, you missed a lot at college today, mate," Liam began, his voice tinged with a nervous chuckle as he tried to break the heavy silence that hung between them. "Someone finally beat Lucas up – not that he didn't deserve it. You know what he's like, always acting like an actual dickhead." Liam's attempt at conversation felt strained, like he was talking to a brick wall, but deep down, he knew they both needed it. Liam had missed Jake and the friendship they once shared, but he also knew that rebuilding it would be an uphill battle, especially given Jake's sexuality and the complications it brought, particularly with Liam's father in the picture.

"Listen, about what you said... I still can't wrap my head around it," Liam continued, his voice wavering slightly as he struggled to find the right words. "And when you're awake and out of this place, I won't be able to come and see you. I hope you understand. It's just... I can't be around you as much, is all. We can still talk at college and stuff, but my dad knows... well, you know." It pained Liam to say the words out loud, to acknowledge the rift that had formed between them, but he knew it was necessary for closure. They could still be friends, but things would never be the same – not after what had been said and done.

Lost in his own thoughts, Liam's gaze drifted downward, his mind racing at a million miles per hour. Suddenly, he noticed a faint movement from Jake's hand, and his heart skipped a beat. "Jake!" Liam exclaimed, his voice tinged with excitement as he frantically pressed the button behind Jake's bed, summoning the nurses to their side. "I think I saw movement!"

As the nurses rushed into the room, Cathy appeared behind Liam, her expression a mix of hope and worry. "What's happening?" she asked, her voice trembling with anticipation.

"He's awake! He made a hand movement – he's awake, Cathy!" Liam exclaimed, his eyes shining with tears of joy as Cathy sank into the chair behind her, her own eyes filled with relief.

As the nurses conducted their tests, one of them – Mary, whom Cathy had grown close to during their time at the hospital – pulled her aside for a private conversation. "I've got some good news," Mary began, her voice brimming with optimism. "Jake is awake, and it looks like there isn't going to be any long-lasting damage. He'll be in pain for a while, but we're giving him liquid morphine to help with that. He should make a full recovery."

Overwhelmed with happiness, Cathy collapsed with relief, her heart overflowing with gratitude. "Can I see him?" she asked eagerly, desperate to see her son and reassure herself that he was truly okay.

"Of course, you can," Mary replied with a warm smile, leading Cathy out of the room and down the corridor towards Jake's hospital room. Meanwhile, Liam waited anxiously outside, his emotions swirling in a turbulent sea of worry, guilt, and relief. When he saw Cathy approaching, a radiant smile lighting up her face, Liam couldn't help but feel a glimmer of hope flicker within him.

"Is he going to be okay?" Liam asked, his voice trembling with emotion as Cathy nodded reassuringly.

"He'll get there. He's got a long road to recovery, but the nurses are happy with his progress," Cathy replied, her words infused with a sense of optimism that lifted Liam's spirits. With a nod of gratitude, Cathy disappeared into Jake's room, leaving Liam to wait anxiously outside, his heart filled with hope for his friend's recovery.


"Mum, what's happened? They said I was in a coma," Jake's voice quivered with worry as soon as he saw Cathy, his eyes widening in disbelief at the sight of her tired and drawn expression. "Mom, I hope you've been looking after yourself. You look ill," he gasped, the pain shooting through his body as Cathy approached.

"It's okay, don't exhaust yourself," Cathy reassured him with a warm smile, her hand reaching out to hold his firmly. "The nurses have got you on a morphine drip, which will help with the pain."

Jake's heart pounded with a mixture of fear and relief as Cathy's words sunk in. "You were stabbed, son," Cathy explained gently. "The police haven't identified the person yet. They're looking through the local CCTV, and they will find the bastard who hurt you. But the main thing is, you're going to be okay. You will recover. It will just take time for your body to heal."

Jake felt a nervous gulp rise in his throat, reluctant to ask the questions burning in his mind, particularly about Liam. He couldn't shake the memory of hearing Liam's voice – was it real, or just a figment of his imagination?

Seeing the water on the side, Cathy quickly poured some into a plastic cup and helped Jake take a small sip, soothing his parched throat.

Finally summoning the courage to address the elephant in the room, Jake felt his body tense with anticipation. "Has Liam come to see me or anything?" he asked, his voice trembling slightly as he awaited Cathy's response, fearing the worst but hoping for the best.

Cathy took his hand in hers, her touch comforting and reassuring. "He's been here every day, Jake. He's been really worried about you. We both have. He's here now, outside."

Jake's heart leaped with a surge of unexpected happiness. "Can I please see him?" he asked softly, his voice barely above a whisper.

A few minutes later, Liam entered the room, his hand tucked inside his tracksuit bottoms, a nervous smirk playing on his lips. He froze on the spot as he caught sight of Jake, uncertainty clouding his features.

Feeling a sense of dread wash over him, Liam struggled to find the right words to say. "I won't bite, you know," Jake chuckled, trying to ease the tension that hung thick in the air.

Liam let out a small laugh, relieved by Jake's attempt to break the ice. He settled into the uncomfortable chair beside the hospital bed, his nerves slowly easing as he addressed Jake. "How are you feeling?" he asked, opting to avoid the larger, more daunting questions for the time being, grateful for the chance to simply be in Jake's presence again.

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