Chapter 4 - The New Girlfriend

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It had been three weeks since the party and Jake was seeing Liam less and less. He didn't know why but Liam hadn't come around for a few days. They usually saw each other everyday, so it was different. Jake wondered if he'd done something wrong, but he'd know about it if he did because Liam would have told him. Liam was like that, he wouldn't fall out with someone without being point-blank and telling the person. "What's wrong, love?" Cathy asked from where she sat at the dining table. Looking back Jake smiled, well he thought he was smiling but it was vacant, a distant smile, stirring his sugar into the coffee he was making.

"Nothing mum. I've just not seen Liam in a few weeks. I'm wondering why he's not been around as much is all." Jake replied before finishing his cup of coffee as he grabbed two chocolate digestives from the packet on the side before sitting next to his mum.

"Well then go and see him, love, make sure he's okay and his dad hasn't hurt him." Cathy smiled in her motherly tone that she'd always spoken with in situations like these. As Jake heard his mum's words, he couldn't help but feel the guilt. He was so worried about Liam not being around because he had done or said something wrong that he never even thought about the danger he had with living with his dad. Now he felt nothing but worry as he stood up, scraping the chair under the table. "I'll be back in a few minutes mum, I need to make sure he's okay." Jake exclaimed before taking a nervous breath. Luckily he was dressed for the day in his favourite comfortable hoodie and tracksuit bottoms. He hastily stepped outside his flat, the warm air hitting his face.

Liam was just exiting his flat with a smile on his face as he was glued to his phone. He accidentally clashed shoulders with Jake. "Oh, sorry" he quickly said, not looking up to see who he'd bumped into.

"Liam!" Jake shouted, "and there's me thinking you'd been attacked." he added, now leaning against the solid wall, his feet digging into the bricks. Liam's eyes bounced as he spun around, noticing Jake.

"Oh man! I'm sorry. I've not been around much. I've not been at home as much over the last few weeks." Liam explained as he copied Jake's actions, leaning his feet against the wall opposite.

"Where have you been?" Was all Jake could ask as he thought back, wondering where else Liam would go. Jake knew all of his friends, and they all had disapproving parents that hated Liam so there's no way he'd be welcome at any of their houses.

"Do you remember Stacy? Well, after the party we met up again. Bro I'm officially off the market." Liam smiled widely, showing his teeth, happily looking at Jake like he'd just won the grand prize in a television competition. Hearing those words gave Jake a sense of hatred. He didn't know how he could hate someone he didn't know that well but there and then, all he could think about was how much he'd love Stacy to succumb to an unfortunate accident. Or her parents lose their job and have to emigrate to another country. He didn't care what, he just wanted anything that meant she'd be gone from Liam's life.

"You're dating her dude?" He asked somewhat shocked, stating the obvious.

"Man isn't it cool! I should ask if she's got a single friend, we could go on a double date." Liam quipped excitedly as he looked at Jake. A double date, Jake couldn't stop repeating those words in his head. Why is life so cruel? This is a nightmare and I'm about to wake up. Jake couldn't help but run through different scenarios and how they'd play through.

"Man, I'm trying to concentrate on college. I ain't got time for no girls." He gave a quick reply, hoping Liam would believe him.

"Dude come on, all work and no play." Liam smiled, slipping his hand into his pocket as he faced his best friend. Jake sighed.

"Liam. I really don't want a girl!" he announced, more firmly now. His voice was more stern as he spoke.

"Alright man, the offer is always there though." was Liam's response before looking at his phone noticing the time. "Listen, I have to go. I'm meeting Stacy in town for lunch, but we'll hang out soon, yeah?" He asked before running of, not waiting for a response.

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