Chapter 1.1 - TLC Who

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A/N - I just wanted to thank everyone for reading. I've had to split this chapter up into two parts. It's also being rewrote somewhat. I hope you enjoy and if you have any feedback, please let me know.

"Make sure you're on time. I'm cooking your favourite for dinner," Cathy exclaimed, her smile radiant as she swirled a cup of tea, her hips swaying to an unheard rhythm, as if choreographed for a music video.

Jake found himself momentarily captivated by his mother's graceful movements, observing her in silence. Even at the early hour of eight, she exuded an energy and beauty that was captivating. Her champagne-coloured eyes, flecked with hints of gold, sparkled with vitality. Accentuated by perfectly arched eyebrows, they held a natural allure that rendered makeup unnecessary. Her lips, always adorned with a bright hue, completed the picture of effortless elegance.

But beyond her physical charms, Cathy embodied a sense of freedom—a quality Jake often longed for but struggled to attain. Amidst his own trove of secrets, one weighed heavily on his mind like an insidious termite infestation.

"Don't worry, Mum. I wouldn't dare miss your famous spaghetti and meatballs," Jake reassured her, a hint of apprehension lurking behind his words. "Is Liam invited? You know his dad never cooks."

In response, Cathy tossed back her long brown hair, a mixture of shock and amusement playing across her features. Arching an eyebrow, she smirked at Jake's inquiry.

"Is Liam ever not invited? You both know he's always welcome here," she quipped, playfully pointing the spoon in Jake's direction.

Chuckling, Jake quickly checked the time on his iPhone, realizing the impending rush. "Gotta run, Mum! Love you! I'll be back around four, after college," he called out as he dashed out the front door.

As he hurried along, a grin spread across his face. Despite his burdensome secrets, Jake couldn't help but feel grateful for the life he had. It struck him how fortunate he was compared to Liam, who had lost his mother and had no family left. It was a stark reminder of the love and stability his own mother provided, even in their modest circumstances in one of Birmingham's rougher neighborhoods.

Finally reaching Liam, who was waiting downstairs, Jake rolled his eyes at his friend's teasing remark. "Dude, you're such a slowpoke," Liam chided, to which Jake responded with a smirk.

"You're a whole year older, yet here I am driving? Who's the slow one now?" Jake teased, accompanied by a playful middle finger salute. His grin was as wide as the road as he reveled in the joy of owning his car, a testament to his hard work and dedication. It might have been a modest black Ford Focus, sporting more scratches than its original color, but to Jake, it symbolized independence and accomplishment.

"I've got some tunes lined up," Liam announced, sliding into the passenger seat with a beam of excitement, instinctively propping his feet up on the dashboard. Jake shot him a sidelong glance, raising an eyebrow in mock disapproval.

"Excuse me? Feet off, I just cleaned that yesterday," Jake quipped, though his stern facade quickly melted into laughter as Liam complied, retracting his feet into the footwell.

Glancing in the rearview mirror, Jake's hazel eyes reflected the golden glimmer reminiscent of his mother's. His charcoal-black hair, trimmed in the latest style, framed his face like a work of art. His smoky gaze held a captivating allure, illuminated by the sunlight. Smooth cheeks and well-defined cheekbones added to his radiant complexion, while a soft square chin rounded off his features. Despite his youthful appearance, the annoyance of his nickname "baby face" lingered in his mind, a reminder of his desire for facial hair that his genetics seemed to defy.

Returning his attention to Liam's comment, Jake responded with a mixture of sarcasm and sternness. "Last time you took over the stereo, I ended up with an earache. Not happening, bro," he declared, tapping Liam's shoulder with his phone. "Let's stick to Spotify." With a smile, he pulled onto the road, setting the music to their journey.

"Dude, your taste in music sucks!" Liam exclaimed, scrolling through Jake's playlist with a mixture of confusion and disdain. "Who even is TLC?" he questioned, though it was more rhetorical than anything.

Jake shot Liam a look of exasperation before bursting into laughter, focusing on the road ahead. He couldn't help but admire Liam's appearance in his peripheral vision—loose joggers revealing Primark boxers, a snug muscle tee accentuating his toned physique, and a hoodie left partially unzipped to reveal a silver chain. Liam's unkempt hair and stubble contrasted with Jake's own polished appearance, yet there was an undeniable magnetism to his friend's rugged charm.

Their banter continued, punctuated by Jake's playful jabs and Liam's infectious laughter. As they navigated through the familiar streets of Birmingham, memories of their shared childhood flooded Jake's mind, reminding him of the deep bond they shared.

Lost in thought, Jake recalled the dark chapter in Liam's life when his father's abuse came to light, igniting a sense of protectiveness within him. It was a painful memory, one that still haunted them both.

Suddenly jolted back to the present by Liam's voice, Jake forced himself to focus, pushing aside the memories that threatened to overwhelm him. "Sorry, I was lost in thought. What were you saying?" he asked, his grip on the steering wheel tightening as he navigated the traffic.

As they arrived at college, Jake parked the car with a sense of accomplishment, his heart filled with anticipation for his mother's cooking. "Spaghetti and meatballs tonight, you in?" he asked, already feeling the rumble of hunger in his belly.

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