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Daniella POV




Is the only thing I could hear, as I gained back consciousness.  The bright light pierced my eyelids, I groaned, wondering why the hell the curtains were open so early in the morning.

I tried turning over to my side,  so that I could get comfortable before going back to sleep, but something was pulling me back. I didn't want to open my eyes just yet, because I'm hoping to fall back asleep, I'm so exhausted, my whole body felt numb.

I knew I was laying somewhere, so I raised up my head, fixed what I presume to be a pillow, but still I couldn't get comfortable enough to sleep with the stupid bright light. Annoyed, I opened my eyes,  wincing at the brightness, I quickly shut it back.

I slowly opened my eyes again, narrowing it until they adjust to the room. It's a hospital room. Painted in white walls, and blue curtains, a TV hanging in front of me and monitoring machine set beside me.

The door opened, and a lady in her mid or late thirties stepped in. From what she wore I could tell she is a doctor.

" Hey Mrs. James." She smiled. " I'm doctor Green, how are you feeling?"

" Tired." I replied." How did I get here?"

" Oh, you were rushed in here by your friends and family." She said.

" What?" I recalled what happened to me before I passed out. I touched my stomach, glancing at the doctor.

" My baby..is my baby ok?" I panicked.

"Calm down, please your baby is perfectly fine." She said, as the beeping sound of the monitor started to increase. " Stress and panic is not good for the baby."

I nod my head, inhaling and exhaling, trying to calm myself down.

The door opened, with my family and friends coming in.

My mom rushes over to my side, placing kisses over my head." Oh my baby." She mumbled.

"Welcome back Princess." My dad said, holding my hand.

" You scared the shit out of us." Nora cried, coming over to kiss my cheeks.

" I'm sorry I scared you all." I smiled.

" It's ok, I'm just glad you are back with us." My dad smiled.

" How are you feeling now?" Chris asked, putting his hand in the front pocket of his pants.

" Other than tired, and hungry, I think I'm good." I said.

"That's good, why don't I get you something to eat." My mom offered.

" Sure mom." I smiled at her.

" Anything specific that you are craving for? " She asked.

" Spanish omelette." I said.

" Anything else?" She asked.

" Orange juice, please." I added.

"Sure, baby." She kissed my hair one more time, before leaving the room with my dad alongside her.

" How long was I out?." I asked.

" A few hours." Chris replied.

" When can I leave?" I questioned, looking directly at the doctor.

" As soon as possible, in as much as you eat well and you feel better." She smiled.

" Thanks." I smiled back.

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