Chapter 7

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The bags under my eyes the next morning were a big reminder of why I should not stay up late during the week. I was so grumpy that choosing a song got me frustrated eventually I just pressed shuffle. I got dressed and was busy putting on my shoes when I heard a knock-knock on the door.

I walked with one shoe in my hand and the other in my hand as I opened the door. Not when those amber eyes could stop me from glaring at " It's too early for this Daniel " I whispered yelled walking back into my apartment.

"Now now honey that's no way to talk to your husband," he said looking too amused for my liking. I rolled my eyes at him and proceeded in putting on my shoe.

" Well dear husband I have to be at work in 20 minutes and I'm nowhere ready so please do not pester me, so why don't you make yourself at home while I finish up, " I said walking into the bathroom to do my hair.

In 10 five minutes, I was ready to leave with my hair in a ponytail and my work bag in my hands. Daniel was comfortably sitting on my couch while snacking on my grapes.

The nerve of this man.

I cleared my throat and which caused him to look up from my fruit bowl. " May I know why you are here " I nearly sneered as I shot lasers at his hands.

" I came to drop you off at work," he said while putting another grape in his mouth.

" Well I'm ready to let's go it's getting late," I said making my way to the door. Deep down I was relieved that I won't have to show up at work looking like I run half a marathon. He took a banana as he followed me.

We entered his black SUV and I fastened my seatbelt. We drove in silence the rest of the way. He parked right in front of my office building and he got out and opened the door for me before I could even make a move which caused me to blush a little at his kind gesture. It's not every day a handsome Italian sausage opens a door for you. I got out of the car and gave him a small thank you and was about to walk away when I found myself pinned to the car.

" So don't get a kiss goodbye," he asked leaning into my ear. He was so close that I could feel the heat radiating from his body. The proximity of his mouth so close to my ear gave me goosebumps.

" Da da... Daniel " I stuttered which caused him to give a knowing smirk. He placed one hand on the hood of the car and the other on the back of my neck giving it a little squeeze. I gasped at the contact and looked into those amber eyes that were staring at my parted lips.

He leaned down and gave me a light kiss on the corner of my mouth. " Have a good day Mrs. Anderson " he said pulling away and fixing my glasses. I probably looked like a tomato right now. I was shocked by the amount of public intimacy he just showed that to with no shame. The sound of him starting the engine is what brought me out of my immobilized state.

I quickly walked through the door which was held open for me by an amused Jake and dashed into the building. At the elevator broccoli and broccolis cousin gave me disgusted looks which I brushed off still too conflicted about what just happened to even react.

I know this is just for show but can't help my reaction. I have never been in a relationship before and he is so straightforward with his actions.


My morning consisted of filing and signing papers. Currently, I was busy with an investment deal with Scrabble Enterprises. Being an advisor to such a huge company is stressful as you have to be able to give suggestions that will always be in the interest of the company. I don't have a jar of ideas laying around and my brain tends to leave me in times like this.

With a pen in my hand, I read through the contract again and again. Eventually, I just gave up. Removing my glasses I laid my head back into my chair and zoned out. The thought of Nonas' condition improving instantly brought I smile to my face. I can't wait to bake cookies with her again.

" Are you thinking about me " I literally jumped out of my seat and held my hand to my heart as it pounded hard against my chest. I was hyperventilating at this point and the Avocado in front of me sat there with a smirk on his face. I quickly put my glasses back on and glared at him.

" Are you stalking me?" I asked utterly bemused by his actions. He ignored my question and blankly stare at me " You know starring is rude right "

" I have been waiting for you for almost 30 minutes and here I find you daydreaming --- to say that I was being rude would be quite hypocritic of you, don't you think" I looked at the time I realized that it was 2: 38 and work end at 2 pm but I wasn't about to admit that I lost track of time.

" Why were you waiting for me " changing the topic.

" I can't have my wife walking home now can I," he said

" You are taking this marriage thing very seriously," I said as I absentmindedly started packing up.

" Indeed I--- so let's get going honey" Daniel is so unapologetic. It's almost attractive... Almost.

Daniel didn't give allow me to change as he started taking my bags to the car and when I tried to reason with him he said quote "If you didn't waste time by daydreaming you would have had time to change "--- so we were currently parked at his house. Daniel being the gentleman he is, made me carry my bags by myself. It took me 10 minutes to unload everything. And by the time I was done, I was exhausted.

He only showed me the room I would be sleeping in if his parents weren't around. So I a mental note to explore the rest of the house when I get time. I finally got to change into an oversized t-shirt and sweatpants. I was halfway through unpacking when my stomach began to growl. Happy to comply with my body's needs I skipped to the kitchen but my joy was soon decreased to the size of a pea as I looked through the empty cabinets... While technically not empty put all it had was protein shakes, protein bars, and some other stuff I didn't recognize.

This man basically lived off protein shakes. No wonder his parents wanted to get him married.

By the grace of the lord above, there was a leftover pizza slice in the fridge which I popped into the microwave. I haven't seen Daniel since he showed me my room which was good because I really didn't have time for his grumpy mood right now. Once it was ready I made my way to the sitting room and which was on the huge TV. I was having a hard time choosing what to watch so eventually I settled on SpongeBob.

Hey, hunnies ❤️
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