Chapter 8

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I had finished the pizza a long time ago and comfortably folded my body in a ball shape as I watched yet another episode of Plankton trying to steal the crappy patty formula. At times I really pity the tinny pickle but I can't help but be inspired by his unwavering spirit. I don't have the patience for so many failures--- I would have probably killed Mr. Craps and sold him or something.

I'm roughly 40% Squidward, 20% SpongeBob, and definitely 40% Patrick. While Mr. Avocado is here. I mean Daniel. I'm not quite sure how to describe him. I'm going to have analysis him before I could conclude.

10 pm I finally got up from the comfortable couch and made my way to the kitchen to clean my plate. What I didn't expect is to find Mr. Avocado there. Without a shirt on if I might add. His bicep muscles flexed every time he moved. And his sweatpants were hanging dangerously low giving me a great view of his v-line. His attention was solely on the blander as he poured milk into it. I watched as his godly body moved to get the protein powder from the cabinets which gave me a great view of his back muscles.

I dropped my gaze as I made my presence known and the potato head didn't even acknowledge me. I made my way to the sink and started washing my plate. Neither of us said a word. It took great resistance not to look at him. Once I dried the plate and put it back in its right place I moved to walk to my room but stop halfway out of the kitchen as Daniel spoke--- "You know it's rude to stare right" mimicking my voice.

I wished the ground would open up and eat me whole. Carrot Cakes he knew I was staring at him the entire time but didn't say anything. I mentally slapped myself for my stupidity. With a click of his tongue and a soft chuckle, his brown orbs met mine as he said " Don't be a hypocrite Amanda " and with that, he turned his attention back to his protein shake.

I took the walk of shame back to my room. As soon as my face hit the pillow I yelled into it like a teen throwing a tantrum. I'm not going to lie, a small part of me was happy to get a reaction from his side even if it was considered twisted.

What a nice way to end the day.


Usually, I'm a very joyful morning person but today I was far from that. I have never been a fan of silence because when it's silent you can hear your thoughts and I don't like hearing them early in the morning--- they can be quite bitter. I played music from my phone but that wasn't loud enough to block out my thoughts.

Alas, I managed to be ready by the time Daniel knocked on my door. He always looked ravishing in his suit but as per usual his face was emotionless. I have never seen him smile. I wonder how his friends deal with him or probably just like this with me. I said morning to him and he only responded with a barely noticeable nod. I wasn't in the mood to start a conversation so the drive to my office was silent. I tried to turn on the radio but Mr. Avocado slapped my hand before I could touch it. I obviously glared at the rude man but he just continued to stare straight at the road completely ignoring my presence.

I wish I had his ability to not show emotion when walked me to the door. He leaned in and kisses the corner of my mouth as he did last. And like last time I furiously blushed at his antics. " I'll pick you up " was all he said as he got back into his car.

Jake and I did our usual greetings as I made my way to the elevator. It has been a while since I have seen Broccoli and Broccoli's cousin. Sandra and Anna. They have been part of the morning routine for 2 years it's hard not to miss them a little bit.

Vanessa was waiting outside my office when I arrived on my floor. She handed me a bunch of documents and again the potato head left before I could ask her what they were for but when I read through them I quickly understood and went straight to work.


At 2 pm sharp I was outside waiting for my oh so dear husband to arrive. I was all giggly as I got into the car was he arrived which got me a raised eyebrow from Daniel.
At work, I had made a small to-do list, and the first on my list was to go get my speakers. So with a big smile on my face turned to Daniel "Can we go by my apartment please I forgot a few things " I asked.

The twit didn't respond as he just drove to where I had asked him. I skipped into my apartment at was welcomed with the familiar smell of lavender. I carried my speakers out one by one and placed them in the back seat. I locked my apartment and got back into the car but Daniel was oblivious to all of this because was having a deep conversation on the phone.

I patiently waited for him to finish his call. To distract me from the silence I started drumming a random beat on my car seat. Daniel finally ended the call after a few minutes and started the car again and that's when I turned to him again this time with a smile so big it might have come off as creepy. " Do you mind stopping and the grocery store?" I asked.

He side-eyed me "Why do we need to go to the store Amanda" his tone was completely filled with irritation which just made me smile more. " Sorry to say but I'm not about to live off protein shakes," I said looking out the window. Daniel just sighed and run a hand through his dark locks.

Daniel parked at Target but didn't get out of the car. I happily got inside and shopped away. I picked up everything I could from food to toiletries. I even spotted a bright yellow hoodie which a shamelessly through into the cart. By the time I was done, I had two full carts which paid for without looking at the price because I knew it was for the greater good.

Only when I was outside, did I realize I couldn't carry all this to the car. So I pulled out my phone.

Amanda: hey can you come to help me push the carts to the car🥺

Avocado: Carts??

Amanda: yes carts. Now hurry up my feet are killing me.

Avocado: why should I help you?

This guy can't be serious right? The nerve
I was about to give him a piece of my mind but I took a deep breath and choose peace.

Amanda: please Daniel

I didn't get a response and was about to call him when I saw the Italian making his way to me. " Took you long enough," I said grinning in victory handing him one of the shopping carts.

" Did you buy the whole shop?" he asked with shock evident on his face. " No silly I only bought what I needed" I pushed the cart to the car with him following close behind. Once we were done loading the car with the groceries, I got back into the car as he started the car.

" Why are they speakers in my back seat Amanda" Daniel asked looking straight into my eyes.

Hey, hunnies ❤️
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