Chapter 11

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Amanda pov

I haven't moved from my bed since morning. While except for when I took a shower and changed into another set of sweatpants and hoodies. After that, I climbed right back to bed and watched Netflix.

With one hand in the almost empty peanut butter jar and the other on my laptop putting on yet another episode of The Good doctor. I laid my head on the back of the headboard and went back to my aimless binge-watching.

Knock knock

I paused the show and looked at the door. Daniel walked into the room, dressed in his suit, telling me he had just come back from work.

He approached me and didn't question my hand that was in the peanut butter jar. Instead, he just extended his hand for me to take which I did wordlessly as soon I closed the jar.

I stepped up and inhaled his alluring scent, a perfect blend of aftershave, mint, and his signature cologne. As he began to go towards the door he softly tugged on our joined hands so I fellow him.

He let us out of the house and only when we reached outside did he let my hand go. He walked over to the passenger side and opened the door and gestured for me to enter the car which again I wordlessly did.

He walked over to his side and got in. The engine roared to life and soon after we were on the road.

I looked over at him. Where is he taking me? We remained in a comfortable silence until I decided to break it " where are we going?"

He took his eyes off the road to shortly look at me before returning his eyes to the road. " Food"

That one word made me grin like a kid on Christmas day. That's very thoughtful of him. I felt my chest tighten slightly as I looked at the man before my eyes. With that, I didn't bother him for the rest of the drive and looked out the window.

Before I knew it we were at a McDonald's drive-thru. He looked expectedly. For a moment I didn't register what he wanted but once it clicked I happily gave him my order which he told the boy on the other side.

Daniel then paid for everything as we patiently waited for our food.

It arrived and he handed the bags and cups to me as he drove off. I opened my bag and smiled as I laid my eyes on the happy meal inside.

The way to my heart is definitely through my stomach.

Not that I want him to reach my heart but you get what I'm trying to say.

I turned my over to him and said a small thank you which we responded with a quick nod.

He drove us back home and I happily skipped out of the car and into the house.
I dropped my goodies on the kitchen counter before quickly running upstairs and taking a shower and running back downstairs in 20 minutes.

Once down I grabbed my food and went to the sitting room.

I sat down on the couch Indian-style and put a chicken in my mouth as I switched on the tv.

As I skipped through options on Netflix Daniel sat down on the couch across from mine with his Macdonald's bag.

" What do you want to watch," I asked as he takes out his burger. He just shrugged so I pressed play on the next best thing.

*Me before you*

We silently watched the movie while eating out food. I removed my eyes from the screen to look at Daniel, who had gotten comfortable and had laid down fully on the couch with his feet stretched out and a hand under his head.

He was shirtless with a pair of black sweats. I watched his chest rise and full as he breathed. I never got a chance to read the look at the tattoo on his, turns out it's an eagle or bird thingy with a few words I couldn't make out from this distance.

I absentmindedly dipped my chicken nugget in some sauce and chewed on it while my eyes were still analyzing the man you would call my husband. I counted not six but eight packs. My eyes then trailed down his trailed down his very defined v line which I didn't see the end of due to the pants he wore.

I swear if I wasn't bleeding.

I moved my eyes yet again from his abs to his chest and finally settled on his face. Which caused me to choke on the nugget. His eyes were already on me with a very amused expression on his face.

I coughed and coughed because the food went down the wrong hole. I quickly sipped on my drink which somewhat made me feel better. " Don't die" Daniel says as he lightly chuckles before returning his attention to the movie.

I took a moment to regain myself before doing what he did. The embarrassment of being caught checking him out did not leave for the rest of the movie.

In the end, I was a sniffing mess. Tears were running down my face after I comprehend. It's not fair that they don't end up together. Why did he have to die?

Daniel took notice of my crying figure and laughed. Not a chuckle or small laugh. A full-blown laugh. His head was thrown back and his chest roared with the most amazing sound I have ever heard.

I don't even care that he's laughing because I'm crying. I'm just happy to see him not tense or controlled for once. Plus he looks hot when he laughs" It's sad, not funny, you know" I said throwing him with a pillow that was next to me.

Which he effortlessly caught, his laughter soon died out as he looked at me with an unknown emotion, somewhere between admiration and amusement.

But it didn't last long as he stood up and took his empty Macdonald's bag. Before leaving he turned and looked at me " Goodnight Amanda " and before I could even respond he was gone.

Hey, hunnies ❤️
What do you guys think about Daniels's behavior?

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