ch. 2 - the big news

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*present time*

Now Amanda goes by Mandy, and is a 17-year-old high schooler in 2022. She was fairly well known around campus, got straight A's, served on ASB, and got over her feelings for Hunter... sort of. There were still many small moments over the years where she would dwell on their friendship and how it escalated so quickly after that letter. But she tried her best to forget about it. 

*At school*

Mandy pulled up to the school parking lot in her white Range Rover. She parked, stepped out and paused. It was the last day of her junior year. She took a moment to take it all in. She was thrilled to be going into senior year, with a good score on the ACT and SAT, and a well-established reputation at school. She always took pride in the way she carried herself. 

As she walked into the first building, she met up with her friends, Emily and Selah. 

Emily: "Hey! Are you ready for our last day? After today, my "senior-itis" is kicking in!"

Mandy: "Haha, of course! But, I don't think "senior-itis" will hit that quickly."

Emily: "Well maybe not for you! Haha!"

Selah: "I'm already claiming it: Senior year is going to be OUR year!!"

Mandy: "It is! If you can turn in your assignments on time at least." *they all laughed*

Selah: "Don't hate on me! I'm just saying, why do it if the teacher doesn't grade it for another 2 months?" *they all look at each other*

Both Emily and Mandy: "Fair."

Mandy stopped at her locker with the girls and chatted about summer plans. She grabbed 2 binders for first and second period. 

Emily: "It's literally the last day of school, you don't need your binders! It's not like we're gonna take notes on anything. We'll probably just ignore the teachers and play games anyways."

Mandy: "I just want to be prepared. Plus, I actually do have a math test today."

Selah: "WE DO?!"

Mandy: "YES! Don't forget to study so you can end math on a good note!"

*Selah frantically starts running down the halls to grab notes from her locker*

Selah: *shouting as she runs off* "OKAY I WILL SEE YOU GUYS AT LUNCH BUT I GOTTA GO"

Emily: "See this is why I didn't take AP Stats."

*Emily and Mandy laugh and return to their conversation*

Emily: "Oh I forgot to mention! Lily is throwing an end-of-the-year/summer kick off party. And you're coming because you're gonna be my ride." *she smiles at Mandy*

Mandy: "Dang okay. Man you need to get your license girl! How many months do you still have left with your permit?"

Emily: "2 long... slow... and painful months. But this summer will end that!!... If I pass."

Mandy: "Oh I'm sure you will. I can't wait for our summer plans! It's gonna be so fun." 

*the bell rings for 1st period*

Mandy: "Okay, I'll meet up with you later!"

*In 1st period*

Mrs. Flemingcough: "Good morning kids! Welcome to your "first last" class of the day! Honestly, I don't have anything planned for you guys so it's just a free period!"

The class turns to each other to talk. Mandy's friend, Noah, walks over and sits next to her. 

Noah: "Hey Mandy!"

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