ch. 11 - live a little

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When she found the note, she had just parked into the driveway at home. It was taped to the back of her backpack. She gently took it off, and unfolded it. It read:

Live a little. Meet me on the corner of 2nd and Baseline street this Friday after school if you're up for something... fun.

Mandy's stomach did a flip. Although it wasn't signed, she knew this was from Hunter.

*Mandy will be referred to as Amanda during the flashback*


Instructor: "Okay guys today we're gonna get in the big boxing ring today and see how your fighting skills are holding up."

7-year-old Amanda: *whispers* "The big ring? That one's scary... you're trapped when you fight, and there's no where to go."

8-year-old Hunter: "Oh c'mon. Live a little. You wouldn't be scared if you were a good boxer" *he chuckled and nudged Amanda's shoulder*

Young Amanda: "Oh you're so on."

Instructor: "Amanda, Hunter, since you two seem to be very chatty, you can be the first ones to go."

They exchanged a competitive glare, and readied themselves by putting on their sparring gear. They hopped up into the big ring and took the corners opposite of each other. The instructor started the 2 minute timer and signaled for them to start.

Amanda charged to meet Hunter in the middle and greeted him with a straight left punch to the nose. Hunter stumbled back and grew angry. He ran toward Amanda and started swinging and flailing his arms at her. She dug her face into her gloves to attempt to cover and began to softly cry.

Young Amanda: "Stop! Stop!"

Instructor: "You gotta keep going, Amanda. Hunter I wanna see clean shots from you. No messy hits; it will end badly if you keep throwing these random punches."

Amanda, still crying, launched her arm out as hard as she could, in attempt to push her way out of the corner. She kept hitting and hitting until Hunter fell back and began to cry too. The buzzer rang, finishing the match.

They both turned away from each other, flustered with emotion. Their faces were red. When they both calmed down and stepped out of the ring, Amanda turned around to Hunter and offered her hand out to help him stand up. He was still overwhelmed, but took her hand and squeezed it hard out of anger. She pulled him up, ignoring his glares, and stated:

Amanda: "See, I can live a little."

(Flashback finished)


Mandy's thoughts: What does he want? Do I go? Is he planning on murdering me or something?? Oh my gosh... Friday is tomorrow.

Mandy couldn't help but wonder what he had in store. Or maybe, she thought the note could've been from Dominic, and the words in the note were just a coincidence.

*Time skip*

On Friday, school had just got out, and kids were pouring out of the classrooms. When she saw Dominic that morning, he hadn't hinted at anything referring to the note, so she assumed it wasn't him. But Hunter wasn't in school today, so she was just all around confused. She decided to drive by to see where/what the location was, and then she'd choose whether or not to go in.

When she arrived at the corner of 2nd and Baseline street, she saw a small building that was painted black. She couldn't see the sign yet until she pulled into the driveway. When she parked, she read the sign:

"Martial Art Innovations"

Mandy's thoughts: Oh my god. What is this?

It was the name of her old MMA studio. Mandy was so confused, but intrigued. There was only one other car in the parking lot - a clean black Silverado truck that looked brand new. She knew it must've been Hunter's.

She stepped out of her car and approached the building. The front, where the door was located was one huge window, so you can see the whole thing inside. Mandy slowly leaned into the windows, looking around. It was a little hard to see because the lights were off, so she headed to the door. The door was unlocked, even though the sign said it was closed.

When she went in, it was just one big open room, with two doors along the back wall (which she assumed probably led to bathrooms or something). The room had punching bags along the left wall, one huge room-length mirror on the right wall, and mats on the floor. There was also a boxing ring in the middle back. It looked almost identical to the studio she grew up in.

After taking it all in, she saw a figure stepping out from a door in the back, behind the ring. It was Hunter. He came out wearing a plain black t-shirt, that perfectly sculpted his arms. He had black pants, that went along with the set of his black gi. It looked like the same exact uniform they used to wear as kids, except without the gi jacket, and with a way taller and more muscular body. Hunter looked up and saw Mandy. He smiled and began to walk towards her.

Hunter: "I'm glad you showed up."

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