ch. 14 - twists and turns

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They finally pulled back. They spent a minute just looking into each others eyes and catching their breath.

Hunter: "The truth is: I like you, Amanda. Yes, no joke. I like you like you, and that's all."

That too, was exactly what Mandy wrote in her letter, except with her name instead of his.

Hunter got off from Mandy, and laid next to her on the mat. They looked up at the ceiling and didn't say a word, trying to process what just went down.

Eventually, Mandy got up.

Mandy: "Thanks for.. um- the gi... and stuff."

She gave an awkward nod, and headed out.


Mandy was going through an emotional roller coaster. She was barely processing the fact that she and Hunter kissed, let alone telling her that he liked her. Just thinking that he memorized her stupid catastrophic letter from 7th grade gave her chills. 

She felt unsure. There's been such a heavy weight of baggage and burden from memories of Hunter on Mandy's shoulders, ever since they parted ways. It's affected all of her potential relationships. Which is partially why she couldn't tell if she really liked him back, or if it just felt convenient and fulfilling to her past.

All she knew was that her 7th grade self would be screaming right now.

She spent the weekend reflecting on everything. She was looking through her camera roll, old journals she had, and lots of other things from back then. Most of the moving boxes were still out and not unpacked, so she was able to find lots of items from that time.

*The next Monday*

That morning when she saw Hunter, she intended to be clear and open with him. She was going to explain that she wasn't sure yet about how she felt. She didn't want to leave him in the dark, because she (quite vividly) remembers how she felt when he didn't respond to her letter. 

She decided to wear a light blue shirt that had a floral design, with a flow-y white skirt. She wore her curly hair down, with a small braid on the left side. 

On the drive to school, Mandy was thinking about Dominic. Specifically, she was recalling what he said about Hunter. That whole situation was unclear, and she also wanted to ask Hunter about it.

She arrived at school, and set out to find Hunter before class started. Dominic found her first though.

Dominic: "Good morning, sunshine."

Mandy: "Hi *she gave a smile but kept scanning her eyes around the building* I'll be right back, okay?"

Dominic: "Where are you off to?"

Mandy: "I need to go find someone. But I'll see you in 1st period!"

She walked past him, and Dominic watched as she walked off, frantically searching around. He was perplexed, but just headed off to 1st period.

After searching the building, Mandy couldn't seem to find Hunter anywhere. She decided to give up, and just pull him aside after 1st period to talk. In the mean time, she headed over to her locker to get some textbooks and stuff before the bell rang.

But that's when she saw him.

He was propped up against the cage of lockers where Mandy's was located, making out with some girl named Cassie.

When she saw him, she felt her throat close up and it was hard to swallow. Tears welled up in her eyes. It felt as if someone punched a hole in her heart. She ran off to first period, trying to hold back her tears and forget what she had just seen. 

When she got to class, Dominic turned to her and smiled. She tried best to act casual.

The bell rang and Mrs. Wallace began taking attendance. She went through name after name. When she called Mandy's, she responded with a soft "here", trying to push through the crack in her voice.

Mrs. Wallace: Okay, next... Hunter Reyes?

Silence. He wasn't there yet. Of course Mandy knew why.

Then, he burst through the door, wiping off the lip gloss that transferred from Cassie's lips to his.

Hunter: "Sorry."

Mrs. Wallace gave him a stern look, and continued on. Mandy turned away, hoping she didn't have to speak or even look at anyone for the rest of class. But, Dominic prevented her from doing that.

Dominic: "Manda, you okay?"

Mandy: "Uh huh. I'm fine."

Dominic: "Well, someone who just scored an interview for ASB shouldn't be just fine." *he smiled*

Mandy: "Wow, really?? That's so great... but I don't think I'm up for it anymore. I'm sorry."

Dominic: "Why not?"

Mandy: "Um, I've just had some things come up, and I think it's just best for me to get through this final year without ASB."

Dominic: "What?! You said you loved being on ASB at your old school."

Mandy: "Yes, but my old school meant a lot more to me, and I know it's kind of mean to say, but I don't think I can serve whole-heartedly here."

Dominic: "Oh, that's okay I understand.. but if you change your mind, let me know."

Mandy: "I will."

A tear started to stream down her cheek. She turned away from Dominic, forgetting that Hunter was on the other side of her. When she turned, she met Hunter's eyes. He noticed her tear and his expression showed the slightest ache of sadness. She quickly swiped away her tear and faced forward. 

She didn't want to keep crying, and definitely wanted avoid making a scene. Mandy used technique she learned from her MMA instructor to calm down. When she was younger, she would cry a lot during boxing, usually because she would get bopped on the nose or take a hard fall. He taught to her simply focus on breathing, and reminded her,

"The pain won't last, but the lesson learned will stay with you forever, and that's what's worth it."

Hunter quietly observed Mandy. He knew what she was doing. The way she closed her eyes and breathed thoroughly was a giveaway.

After a minute, the redness in Mandy's complexion began to fade, and the tears went away. She felt a little better, but far from okay.

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