Charlie Dalton

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   My shoes clicked against the sidewalk as I started the journey to Welton. As I turned onto the next street, I couldn't help but notice the presence behind me. "Hurry up, Dalton." The boy matched my pace, shoving his hands in his pockets. "Think you could spare some time?"

   "For?" Charlie turns around so that he's walking backwards facing me. "For some fun." The grin on his face was inviting, so I took the offer. We both ran into a nearby restaurant, the bell above the door ringing. An older lady behind the counter in a baby blue uniform smiled at us as we sat down. 

   "What can I get for you two?" Charlie looks over  to see me spinning on the swivel chair. "Uh, we'll have two vanilla ice cream cones." The lady nodded and went to the back. "I think I'm gonna throw up."

   "Then stop spinning." I stopped, swaying slightly as I steadied myself against Charlie's shoulder. Baby blue comes into view holding two ice cream cones. "That'll be 20cents." He pushes two dimes on the counter and takes the ice-cream, handing one to me. 

   The bell rang once again as the door closed. We sat down on a bench at a nearby park. As I ate my ice cream, I felt a cold sensation moving down my hand. "Shit." I held the cone away from my skirt as the ice cream dripped from my hand. Laughter erupts from the boy next to me. "What's so funny?" I dig through my bag for something to wipe my hands with. "You curse more than any girl I've ever met, and I've met a lot of girls."

   Pulling a handkerchief from the bag, I start to clean my hand. "I don't curse all that much." He trades our ice cream, giving me the less melted of the two. The small things. God, the small things. "Still more than most." I shrug, tucking the handkerchief back in my bag. "I guess. But at least I don't try to filter it with 'fiddlesticks' or 'holy macaroni'."

   Charlie grins as he slides his arm around my shoulders. "I think it'd be real cute if you did." I lean into his side as he pulls me closer. "You're such a flirt." "Only for you."

   We both laugh. "That's bullshit."

   In what seemed like mere moments, the sun began to set. "Going to the meeting tonight?" I stand from the bench, dusting off my skirt and grabbing my bag. "Of course. And you are too." 

Charlie stands, wrapping his arm around my waist. "I am, am I? Well, since you insist on spending so much time with me, I guess I have to." 


   We were the first ones there. I picked at the damp ground between my feet with a stick. "What's taking them so long?" Charlie scoots closer. "They'll get her eventually. For now, it's just us." I feel him lean in closer when the lovely Todd slips into the cave. "Hey, guys."

   I stand, pulling Todd into a warm embrace. The rest soon file in. Once everyone has sat down, the meeting begins. "'I went to the woods because I wanted to live deliberately. I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life."

   All night we talked about college and how we would keep in touch. It was a sad conversation, but also an exciting one. Our senior year was almost over. So close to freedom.


   It was time for the boys to sneak back into their rooms. They exchanged their goodbyes and were off. The cool breeze flitted through my hair as Charlie helped me step over the rotting log blocking our path. "Can I tell you what I think?"

"I wish you would."

   He climbs over the log, joining me on the other side. "I think you may be absolutely clueless." My hands immediately fly to my hips. "Excuse me?" He shakes his head. "I've been flirting with you all week. No one else. Haven't you noticed?" Well that's normal. "I noticed the flirting. How am I clueless?"

   "You're the only one I've been flirting with." He presses his back against a nearby tree as he lights a cigarette. "You always flirt with me. That's nothing new." "Damn it, (Y/n). Do I have to spell it out?" He flicks the cigarette to the ground, putting it out against the heel of his shoe. "I've only been flirting with you. No one else. Just you. Only you. Because I want you."

   The night air seems to get hot. He's always been a flirt… Though, he has been avoiding the other girls at school lately. "Charlie…" It feels like my heart is going to burst from my chest as he steps closer. "You know I like you. Tell me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure you like me to." 

   Of course I like you. How could I not? With that smile and sense of humor. Those deep, brown, eyes that crinkle at the corners when you laugh. Damn it, Dalton. You've got me all messed up. Not a word leaves my mouth.

   "Tell me you feel the same, (Y/n). Do you?" His breath hits my face as I look up at him. I form the only answer I can, pulling him down by the collar and kissing him. The world melts away when he immediately kisses me back. Warm hands slide down until the rest on the small of my back. My fingers tangle themselves in his soft hair as he pulls me closer. 

   We only pull apart when it becomes necessary to catch our breaths. The warmth lingers against my lips as he holds me against him. "You really do drive me crazy, Charlie…" And with that, our lips connect once again.

Author's note:

Idk how to write kissing scenes D: So freaking stressful. (Also I wrote this a while back. I don't remember any of it and don't want to re-read it.) This was so cheesy lol. But I wanted it to seem like this was unlike Charlie so it would be more of a 'moment'. I dunno. Anyways, Charlie's cute♡

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