Chapter 8: Party Planning

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Sun shines through Wednesday's window illuminating the two figures in his bed. Wednesday had his arms wrapped tightly around (Y/n) with her back up against his chest.

Wednesday's eyes fluttered open, and he looked down at (Y/n) sleeping next to him. He smiled to himself and pressed a light kiss to her neck, causing (Y/n) to smile in her sleep.

Wednesday couldn't help but admire how cute she was when she slept, and started placing more kisses along her neck, and up to her jaw.

She giggled quietly and opened her eyes. "Good morning." She said.

"Morning." Wednesday muttered, his face still buried in her hair and neck.

"We should probably get to breakfast, right?" She asked.

Wednesday groaned and held her tighter.

"Your family will wonder where you are."

"I don't care."

"But I'm hungry." (Y/n) whined.

Wednesday sighed. "Fine."

They both got out of bed and Wednesday interlocked his hand with hers and they walked downstairs to breakfast.


"Did you like the blood?" Pugsley asked.

"I was so proud." Fester praised.

"Weren't we all." Morticia agreed.

Wednesday and (Y/n) entered the kitchen still hand in hand. Wednesday sat down in his seat and (Y/n) tried to sit in the chair next to him, but Wednesday pulled her over to sit in his lap. (Y/n) blushed, considering they were in front of his family, but Wednesday didn't seem to care, and started eating.

Gomez and Morticia shared a knowing smile, before Morticia turned to Wednesday. "Wednesday, play with your food." She told him.

Wednesday began to poke his food with a fork, and it started to squirm.

Suddenly, they heard a loud cry from Grandma.


"Who put this in here?" She exclaimed, holding up a skeleton arm.

Fester and Pugsley looked at each other and snickered.

"That's for company." Grandma scolded.

"Rascals." Gomez playfully scolded.

Just then, Dr. Pinder-Schloss entered the kitchen.

"Doctor, you were right. What an evening."

Both Fester and (Y/n) froze up at the sight of Dr. Pinder-Schloss.

"Fester fit right in." Morticia agreed.

"The displacement is over."

"Well, isn't that nice?" She said.

"Does he really have to go?" Wednesday asked.

"Yes, he does. And since he is leaving, that means that (Y/n) didn't have to look after him anymore, and can go back to her aunt and uncles house." Dr. Pinder-Schloss told him.

Wednesday wrapped his arms around (Y/n)'s middle and pulled her into him. He didn't want her to leave.

"Well, if he insists upon leaving, we shall mark the occasion. Tish?" Gomez said mischievously.

"We've planned a farewell party." Morticia explained.

"We've invited the entire clan."

"What a lovely gesture."

"We're a family again, and we owe it all to you, Dr. Pinder-Schloss." Morticia complimented.

"Please, Greta."


"Fester, walk me out." Greta said.


"Im fine, mother! Im completely in control." Fester reassured her as they walked to the gate.

"They're not your family Gordon. I am. They don't love you. I do. They're evil, and corrupt, and degraded. I can give you that." Mrs. Craven  told him.

"Im fine. Really." Fester insisted.

"We'll see. Open up!" She yelled at the gate. Gate opened and she left, leaving Fester standing there.


The Addams family made their way up the main staircase each holding a candelabra.

Gomez and Morticia opened the large double doors that led to a ballroom that had white sheets covering everything.

Fester stepped inside and looked at the room in awe.

"A party? For me? Here?" He asked, gasping in shock and happiness.

"Tish? How long as it been since we've waltzed?" Gomez asked his wife.

"Oh, Gomez." The two got into a dancing position. "Hours."

The couple began waltzing around the room staring lovingly into each other's eyes.

(Y/n) watched the two with a small smile on her face, at how happy and in love they were. Wednesday looked over at her and slowly made his way over to where she was standing.

"Have you ever danced before?" He asked her.

"Not really, no." She responded.

He hummed in response as stood there awkwardly for a moment.

"So...I was thinking...maybe, you and I could...spend time together at the party...or something." He said slowly.

"I'd like that." (Y/n) responded with a smile.

"Alright then. Good." He added bluntly.

(Y/n) giggled and grabbed his hand in hers. "You're cute." She told him.

Wednesday's face flared up in embarrassment. He normally hated it when people called him cute. He found the word to be insulting.

"I'm not cute! You're cute." He retorted.

"You think I'm cute?" She asked.

"Yes! Very! You're adorable even!" He 'insulted.'

"Thanks." She replied.

Wednesday huffed. "Shut up."


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