Chapter 14: The End?

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Seven Months Later...

It was Halloween, and some kids in costumes came up to the Addmas house and knocked on the door.

"Trick or-!"

As soon as the door opened, they saw Lurch and screamed and ran away.


Inside the house, Gomez and Morticia were decorating the house.

"Here we come." Pugsley announced.

"Pugsley old man." Gomez greeted.

"Why, look at you." Morticia cooed.

Fester looked up and saw that Pugsley had dressed as him for Halloween, while (Y/n) dressed up as a cat, and Wednesday wasn't wearing a costume.

"How do you like it?" He asked.

"What can I say? He's gonna break hearts." Fester said proudly.

"Trick or treat." Margret said as she entered the house. She was dressed like a fairy, and Cousin It was right next to her dressed as a cowboy.

"Hello, Margret. Cousin It. I almost didn't recognize you." Morticia greeted.

"Isn't he handsome? Everyone keeps asking where he bought his costume." Margret said.

"It is a wonderful hat." Gomez complimented.

Margret looked to Wednesday. "What are you, darling? Where's your costume?"

"This is my costume. I'm a homicidal maniac. They look just like everyone else." He said.

"Well, I think you're the handsomest homicidal maniac I've ever seen." (Y/n) said, wrapping her arms around his neck.

"Thank you ma précieuse. You make a very beautiful kitty cat." He replied.

She smiled and kissed his lips.


The family all gathered in the living room, and Lurch was painting a portrait of Fester and Pugsley, while Wednesday sat on the floor with (Y/n) in his lap as they carved a pumpkin together.

"Im so glad I can spend this night with my family, now that I've got my memory back." Fester commented.

"Thank god for that lightning. Knocked some sense into you." Grandma said.

It said something in gibberish.

"You remember old man. Dr. Pinder-Schloss really did find Fester tangled in a tuna net 25 years ago, with amnesia." Gomez explained.

"From the Bermuda Triangle." Wednesday added.

It spoke again.

"How true. Stranger things have happened." Morticia reasoned.

"Please, Uncle Fester?" Pugsley begged, holding up a light bulb.

"Pugsley..." Gomez lightly scolded.

"For the picture?"

Fester took the lightbulb and put it in his mouth, causing it to light up.

"Alright, everybody, time for a game. What shall it be? Bobbing for apples?" Gomez asked.

"Charades?" Margret suggested.

It stood up with a suggestion of his own.

"Of course. Wake the dead." Morticia said.

"Wake the dead!" Fester exclaimed.

"Wake the dead!" Gomez also exclaimed. "Out to the cemetery. Come on everyone!"

"I've never played this before. How does it go?" Margret asked Grandma.

"Did you bring a shovel?" She replied.

"(Y/n), wanna be on my team?" Pugsley asked.


"Not a chance Pugsley, she's with me." Wednesday cut in, pulling (Y/n) out to the cemetery by her hand, Pugsley running after them.

Fester turned to face Gomez. "My own dear brother." He held out his hand and Gomez shook it, only for Fester to flip him over his shoulder.

Gomez laughed.

"Come on!" Fester yelled.

"We'll catch up." Morticia told him.

Fester ran out with his shovel and joined his family digging up the graves.

Gomez and Morticia stood in the doorway and looked out at their family.

"Oh, Tish, what more could we ask?" Gomez asked.

"Gomez..." Morticia held up a baby onsie she knitted that had three legs.

"Cara mia, is it true?" He asked

"Oui. Mon amour." She whispered.

Gomez dipped her down into a passionate kiss.

Wednesday and (Y/n) were digging up their own grave when she noticed that he was staring at her.

"What?" She asked.

"Nothing. I just...never thought I'd ever fall in love with someone. But I'm glad I did, and I'm glad it's you. You're mine, (Y/n). And I promise I'll never leave you." He said.

"Oh, Wednesday. I love you." She replied.

"I love you too, ma précieuse." Wednesday gently grabbed her chin in his hands and tilted her head up to place a passionate kiss on her lips. Her arms wrapped around his neck, and his hands slid down to her waist.

And in that moment, everything was perfect.


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