Chapter 10: Mamushka!

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"Flora and Fauna Amor." Gomez greeted the girls. "I cannot see. I am blinded by such beauty."

"Gomez Addams."

"You terrible flirt."

"Always was."

"At least with me."


"Tag a long."

Morticia approached her husband.

"Why Gomez. The Amor twins. I've heard so much about you." Morticia greeted.

"Morticia you nabbed him."

"This darling man."

"He was mine!"

"He was mine!"

"Flora, Fauna, how can I compete? You're twice the woman I am." Morticia complimented.

"Tulley, the Amor twins." Gomez introduced. "They're waiting for Fester. Amuse them."

"Hello Tulley."

"Oh my god." Tulley mumbled.


"You mean you don't know?"

"It's too intriguing."

"Now that Festers back, he's king of the castle again, isn't he?"

"Festers the older brother, so he gets it all. The house, the money, you name it."

The Amore twins told Tulley.

"Fester's still single isn't he?"

"Are you, Mr. Alford?"

"Why, Fauna..." Tulley said slowly.

"I'm Fauna!"

"I'm Flora!"

"I'm flattered. Excuse me ladies." Tulley excused himself.


"I can't find them anywhere!" Fester exclaimed, entering his room. "Let's just leave! Out the back!"

"Now pull yourself together. They'll turn up, the little cockroaches. Get to the party or they'll suspect something. I'll be down soon." His mother commanded.

"Yes mother."


"Everyone, your attention please!" Morticia's called to the crowd. The music stopped and everyone turned to face Morticia.

"Tonight we dance for our treasured guest of honor...Fester Addams." Morticia gestured to Fester who was standing next to her.

The room broke out in applause.

"The Mamushka!" Gomez announced, wearing a red shirt and a black fur hat. "Taught to us by our Cossack cousins, the Mamushka has been an Addams family tradition since God knows when. We danced the Mamushka while Nero fiddled. We danced the Mamushka at Waterloo. We danced the Mamushka for Jack the Ripper. And now, Fester Addams, this Mamushka is for you."

The music started and Gomez grabbed Fester's hand and they bag an to move in a circle, slowly picking up the pace. Then they separated and clapped to the beat, before head butting each other.


Tulley made his way down the stairs and ran into Mrs. Craven.

"Where are you going? There's trouble!" She demanded.

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