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Painfully slow she ran her fingertips over his hard, leathery skin of his abdomen. Her stubby nails followed the curves of his muscles and scars, until they reached the delicate skin just above his pubic bone.

Her breath felt warm against his skin as she touched the sensitive area again, only now she was using her lips, tongue and teeth. Vsar shivered under her touch.

Gently licking and biting his skin, she descended further. As she pulled her mouth back from his burning skin, he moaned softly with disappointment, a dark vibrating growl sounded from his chest as her tongue felt licking the skin at the opening of his member, making it impossible for him to hide his cock any longer and his member slipped out of hiding.

Vsar wanted to grab her head to pull her face closer to him, but his arms felt like stone..., impossible to move...

Her tiny hands began to caress the soft, smooth skin of his cock...


"Tároc, Tároc Vsar! The female leader has sent you a message... Do you want me to sent it to your private computer?"

Fates and destiny! What the hell?

Hesitantly he lifted the sheet that covered his body, HOLY FATES AND DESTINY! His cock had raised to the fullest and fattest and was looking at him with it's angry eye as if it were angry at him for denying his release.

With a heavy thump, Vsar fel back on the mattress.


Ohh man, his needs realy took the best of him, he hadn't been dreaming about his desiced wife since... No, something wasn't right... this wasn't his breedeer... Who was it?

"Uhhh, Ayèk!"

Vsar covered his eyes with the back of his healthy arm, and inhaled deeply. Ayèk!

The pressure in his groin was annoyingly painfull, fates and destiny, he realy needed to get his release.

"Tároc? Everything alright?"

"Yeah, yeah! I'm fine, just sent the message to my private account, I will read it back here" ...first I need to get some relieve..., he thought, staring at the sheet rising from his crotch.


After the meeting, Ellen walked back to her house all alone. Fortunately, Sasha, her granddaughter, needed her mother's help with something, so she didn't have to listen to Nora's negative rambling about the Shri'Traccal and could put on something comfortable right away when she got home.

The dress was gorgeous, but she loved her black jeans, tank top, vest and sneakers.

As she changed, she thought of the alien leader, what would he have thought of her?

Enemy or not, she couldn't deny she liked him. He had a sharp mind, sense of humor and although compared to an earthly man he was downright bestial, almost literally a talking and walking crocodile, there was something about him that made him seem almost human.

She went to her small kitchen to put water on for a pot of coffee. While the coffee was running, she made herself a bowl of yogurt with some fruit and crusli. Ellen didn't feel like eating anything hot or heavy, but she was a little hungry, so... yogurt it was...

After the coffee was ready, she took the coffee pot and yogurt to her office and sat down behind her desk.

Although she was curious about the information she had received from the leader, she didn't want to seem too eager. Ridiculous, of course, he wasn't here, no one was..., she was all alone, but still... instinctively she felt she had to wait, and laughed inwardly at her own idiocy.

Uncharted allies. Combining two worlds, part 1(Un-edited version)Where stories live. Discover now