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Although their goodbye had been a little awkward, ...again... they both agreed that the plan they came up with had the best chance of success. And both of them would discuss this with the best person who could pull a stunt like this off, in Vsar's case it would be the second best candidate as Ri'kil wouldn't be joining the first group, as part of his punishment.

Before raising this idea with Sasha, Ellen wanted to speak to Dakota, her head was spinning from the conversation with Vsar, and she needed to vent.

"Hey Helen, how are you, haven't seen you in town in a while." Ellen smiled at the old lady sitting in the shade of the old willow on the large concrete bench, enjoying her cup of tea. The concrete bench had been her husband's joke. The day they planted the tree there, her husband had made the bench there as a symbol of his undying love for her and that he would always be with her. They had even stayed together until her husband died of a stroke at age sixty.

The bench had become completely worn and smooth from frequent use and despite being made of concrete, you could sit comfortably on it.

"Hai, Ellen, I'm okay, thanks, just not so flexible in the joints anymore, aye. The cartwheels aren't as easy as they used to be..." The old woman chuckled at her own joke.

"Dakota, will be right back, I already told her to get an extra glass of iced tea because you were coming." And took a sip of her own, hot tea.

Ellen looked at her with her eyes wide in surprised. "What do you mean? I didn't even know I was coming here until a couple of minutes ago..."

Helen looked at her from under her eyelashes with a mischievous smile. "Ohh, I know more than you think, sweet girl..." Her eyes drifted past Ellen.

"Ah, right on time, Dakota, sit down quickly, Ellen has a lot to tell us, doesn't she, honey...?" She gave a bewildered Ellen a big wink.

With a beaming smile, her friend slumped down on the couch next to her mother and looked at her with twinkling eyes. "Well, spit it out girl! Let me guess, does it have to do with our neighbour king Crocodile?"

Dakota's innuendo made her turn red up to the roots of her hair and for a moment she didn't know where to look and decided to take a sip of iced tea.

After her nerves had calmed down, Ellen looked at the two women questioningly.

"How did you know I had a conversation with him, Helen? I mean I didn't tell anyone about this except Nora and I doubt she'd tell anyone as she definitely doesn't support it..."

The little old woman set her half-full cup of tea on the small table next to the sofa before looking calmly at Ellen.

"Dakota must have told you that I occasionally see or dream about 'things'..." Ellen nodded in confirmation.

"Well, in the last few days many flashes of images have come through, some clearer than others, but all of them have to do with the future and a society in which we form a clan together with the Shri'Traccal. I now say a clan deliberately, because this won't be such an easy case everywhere, on the contrary..."

A short laugh escaped Ellen. "Easy? I think working with the Shri'Traccal is going to be anything but easy..."

Hellen leaned forward and patted Ellen on the knee. "Don't worry, darling. Just follow your gut feeling, so does your granddaughter... Yes, I also know that Sasha, ...that's her name right? ...That Sasha and some of her friends have had contact with some of the young men. You and king Crocodile are on the right track by starting the cooperation mainly with the youth."

Shaking her head, Ellen looked at her with a big grin. "I think I'm going to call you my precious Oracle... But tell me,... how on earth did you come up with the name king Crocodile? Vsar would laugh his ass off if he knew you're calling him that..." She blurted out before realizing what she'd said, deepening the redness on her face.

Now it was Dakota and her mother's turn to laugh, both women looking at her with twinkling eyes.

"How about our oracle here..." And she pointed her thumb at her mother. "She thought the name was appropriate given his scaly skin and razor-sharp teeth."

The smile disappeared from Ellen's face and she became serious again and rubbed her eyes with the palms of her hands.

"What am I to do with this..., I mean, ...yes, king Crocodile does indeed apply to him but also to his men. They are beasts, and dangerous animals too. How can I expect the women to... to work with these dangerous creatures? After all, we know what they're capable of, don't we?"

Tilting her head, Helen looked at the clan leader with a compelling look. "Working together huh...? Girl, just stop the bullshit, please... All three of us know where it's going... You lived through the war yourself... and I'm pretty sure you heard the rumours about our previous "leaders"... Not everything is black and white, in this case there are a lot of "green" shades. Let's face it, there are no more human men left to save humanity, simple as that and if you can sit down with king Crocodile, make plans with him to save both clans and even get the jitters, well, why shouldn't the other women be able to?"

Ellen had already opened her mouth to protest, but the words wouldn't come.

"Yes, and do me a favour and see if there's a nice, big crocodile walking around for my daughter as well..., she could also use a pat on the head..." Helen started to grin at the so-called misguided look of her daughter.

"I don't need a pat on the head, mother... More like a nice romp between the sheets..." Ellen looked at her friend with open mouth and started laughing uncontrollably.

Meanwhile back on the Azury clan compound.

"Good to see you Tároc, was the meeting with the human fruitful?"

Vsar watched as Ghorul stiffly walked up to him. You'd almost think the man was at least a hundred years old with a stick up his ass, Vsar thought to himself and grinned, he was glad Rhán was nowhere to be seen, he definitely would have spoken out loud, what he, Vsar, was only allowed to think.

Vsar nodded at his chieftain. "Yes it certainly was. I want to talk to several men, Baska is one of them, I want you to send him to my quarters in an hour." He turned around to leave Ghorul's lab.

"Off course, Tároc, but may I ask what you need him for? Maybe I can be better of service..."

Vsar didn't turn around, he just made a slight turn with his head. "Yes you may ask, and no you don't need to know, just send him to my quarters..."

"Rhán!" Vsar winked the giant over.

The tall man looked over his shoulder, said something to the equally tall man in front of him, and took big, furious steps toward his leader and friend.

"What was all that about?" While he wasn't a nosy man, he was certainly curious as to why his friend was so mad at his brother, the best blacksmith he knew.

"Because he always goes his own way with my weapons whether I like it or not! Now again! I just ask him if he wants to make my wrist dagger a little longer... No... he makes a double-edged blade out with barbed hooks at the bottom! I.didn't.ask.for.that!!" Vsar struggles to keep his expression straight at the annoyed face of his chieftain.

"And...?" With a furious look, Rhán turned to face his friend.

"What do you mean "...and..."?" and looks at his leader questioningly.

"And... do you like the new weapon?" Not at all surprised by the intimidating look of his number one, he just looks at him with a crooked grin.

The only answer he got was a low grumble. "Let's go, we need to talk in private..."

"Don't tell me you humped the human leader..." Rhán started to roar with laughter when Vsar smacked the back of his head.

"Will you cut the crap!?" Vsar hissed, sometimes his friend was an asshole. "...and for your information, NO! I haven't "humped" her, we just talked...yeiha tekli.."

All the way to his room he heard Rhán's chuckling behind him, but he refused to respond, he wouldn't give his friend that pleasure.

Uncharted allies. Combining two worlds, part 1(Un-edited version)Where stories live. Discover now