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When she saw Nora run away furious, Ellen's mother's heart broke into a thousand pieces and tears clouded her vision, but she couldn't help it, for the sake of her clan's future she had to let Nora go.

Much to her surprise, the giant who had called her daughter to order jerked to his feet and stormed out of the room.

This unexpected development left everyone in the room dumbfounded.

Vsar turned to Rhán and the anger was visible on his face. "What's going on, Rhán? I want you to go after that Roh'kadi and drag him back in here by the neck! I will not tolerate this insulting behaviour!"

Rhán looked at his Tároc with a doubtful face. "I think we better leave them..."

To his left, Rhán heard someone shift and before Ghorul could open his mouth, Rhán was ahead of him.

"Shut up Ghorul! You have no idea what's going on!" and turned again to his Tároc.

"My apologies, Tároc, but I have a hunch what's going on, even though... this shouldn't be possible..."

With a brusque gesture, Vsar slammed his fist on the table. "Fates and destiny!! What the hell are you talking about, Rhán?!"

"Yh'ghul nah seiy..." Although his voice was calm, his face was tense.

"Bullshit, Rhán! You're trying to keep your brother out of trouble with a fable! Yh'ghul nah seiy, doesn't exist! And even if it did, it certainly wouldn't apply between us and the humans! That would be something ..." Ghorul looked at his fellow Ikat with a haughty look.

Ellen looked from one giant to the next with a haggard look. What were those two giants talking about? 

"Vsar, what are they talking about?" She turned to Vsar for explanation.

But before Vsar could answer, a soft girl's voice was ahead of him.

"If I've understood Ri'kil correctly, it's about that one special scent that makes someone feel incredibly attracted to the other. I think you can compare it to what we call love at first sight..."

Even though Sasha wasn't really a shy girl, speaking in the company of these intimidating creatures, especially the Tároc and the giant Ikat Rhán, was terrifying.

"You're on the right track, but Yh'ghul nah seiy is mainly a chemical exchange of pheromones. When Yh'ghul nah seiy takes place, it essentially means that the two partners are a golden match for producing offspring... If this if this happened to Birgg and the human female, which would be odd indeed, this would most likely mean that they could have offspring without outside help...which would technically be a one in a thousand chance..." Without waiting for his Ikat's approval, Baska blurted out the words. The moment he realized what he'd said and everyone looked at him in surprise, the quiet young man cringed in shame.

"...sorry Tároc Vsar, I didn't want to speak out of turn..."

He hung his head. What had he done? Ghorul would be furious with him.

Slowly, Vsar rose from his chair and looked at the two young people.

"Well said, granddaughter of Ellen, and so are you, Baska. You're both right. It's more than love at first sight, as you so beautifully called it, just as it's more than a chemical reaction between two people, Baska. Yh'ghul nah seiy is a combination of the two."

He turned to Ghorul. "I can tell you from experience that it does exist, Ghorul... I can count myself a lucky man to have experienced this twice myself... And no, I am not a senile old man!" The last words thundered through space.

"That's all I want to say about it, according to myself, but If this is indeed true for Birgg and..." Vsar turned partly to Ellen. "...your daughter, this is both a wonderful and a tragic event, as your daughter hates us..."

In the meantime, just outside the ruined town, an enraged Birgg caught up with Nora.

Before Nora had a chance to respond, her back was pressed hard against a shattered wall.

"What the hell are you doing?" His face was close to hers and she felt his hot breath brush her face and a shiver ran through her body.

"Both of our Tároc are doing their best to make a collaboration possible and you, the leader of your warriors, hold a grudge? What kind of selfish creature are you?!"

Despite his rage at her, her scent upset him and his long muscular tail swung uncontrollably behind him.

"Keep your filthy paws off me, you fucking monster!" With all the strength she possessed, Nora tried to push the giant creature away from her.

"Who do you think you are to lecture me? Just because my mother wants to welcome you with open arms doesn't mean I want to! You monsters killed my husband and a bombardment on your part made me my lose my unborn child! The only memory I had of him, you took from me too, you filthy bastard! So don't tell me what I should and shouldn't feel!" She nearly spat the last words in his face.

Birgg let go of the furious woman in defeat and bile burned in his throat.

With clenched fists he stepped back and straightened his back. "Then go..."

With one last furious look at the giant, having to tilt her head back to face him, she stepped away from him and strode away with long strides.

Nora was shaking all over. An asshole.., a monster that's what he was and she'd made that clear to him! Than why did she feel so guilty...

Uncharted allies. Combining two worlds, part 1(Un-edited version)Where stories live. Discover now