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My name is Eleanor Granger. I am attending my 5th year at Hogwarts. My sister, well, I should say my half sister, is Hermione Granger. Her parents, the dentists, had split. What was the reason? Well, I was born.

Her father had had an affair early into their marriage. Actually, it was around the time Hermione was soon to be born. When Hermione's father cheated on her mother, he had gotten another woman pregnant - a.k.a. my mother. They later married and out popped me!

Hermione and I are about a year apart, maybe a little less, in age. We grew up knowing each other, not very well at first since our families all had to get used to each other being together. Her mom is such a forgiving woman to let him be part of her life with another woman AND a baby. Plus my dad had his hands full and was trying to be a good father to both me and Hermione, and I think she could see that he was attempting to make up for the affair by helping out with the babies.

Growing up, Hermione and I were two peas in a pod. It was almost like we were full blood sisters. At first, it was a little odd trying to welcome a new girl around my age into my home, and I'm sure she felt the same way. But if you think about it, asking 5 year olds to play with each other because we have the same dad but not the same mom or because we are related but we will not live with each other so we have to get along, is a lot to take in at that age. But we both eventually got used to it. We went to the same public school growing up, with her being a year ahead of me, I got to learn a lot from her. She was smart, and because of her, I was smart too. We tutored each other. Like I said, two peas in a pod.

Not only did we act alike when it came to our studies, we somewhat looked alike as well. Don't get me wrong, we had our differences, and plenty of them; But, my dad seemed to have had a strong part in the genes he passed down to his children. Hermione had the light brown hair, mostly straight, but thick with some textured ends. I had slightly darker brown hair but with more waves flowing through the locks. She had golden brown eyes while I had bright blue, almost gray eyes. She was the skinny one and I was the curvier one with larger breasts, wider hips, and a larger bum. Nothing wrong with either of those body types, but I just wanted to explain a few of our physical differences.

Well enough of the introductions for now. Let's get down to the nitty gritty.

To put things in perspective. Hermione started at Hogwarts a year ahead of me (she was a little older than me after all, so I understood why I had to wait). It was unexpected at first that she was chosen from a muggle family to attend a school of magic. But her mother was very accepting, spoke with her father about it, and Hermione was on her way. She had always been top of her class in school even at a young age, so when she went to Hogwarts, there was no surprise that she would be placed in Gryffindor. Or at the least in Ravenclaw for being such a brainiac.

Now, she is a 6th year, and I am a 5th year at Hogwarts. The only odd thing is that, I am a Slytherin.

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