It's Complicated

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I woke up in the middle of the night. Draco had rolled to the side of the bed, still fast asleep. I figured it was not best for me to stay with him. He'd probably wake up and kick me out anyways for staying too long, knowing him. I silently hunted my clothes that had been scattered across the floor, replaced them onto my body, and tip toed back to my dorm. Doing my best not to wake Iris up, I cautiously crawled into my bed, not even changing into my sleeping clothes in fear of waking her up.


The next morning, I got up early to shower. I had gotten a little sweaty the night before, so I figured it would be a good idea to wash that off of me so I didn't smell like body odor. Or men's cologne. Draco's cologne.

As I soaked in the shower, with my hair under the running water, I couldn't help but reminisce on the way Draco held me last night. The way he made me feel. He made me his. And even though I wasn't with him currently, I still felt like his. It's like last night I had him wrapped around my finger, and I around his. We were in sync. We understood each other. I wished it could always be like that.

I waddled back to my room, where Iris was rising out of bed.

"Good morning." I say as I enter with a towel on my head.

She glares at me with her sleepy eyes. "Where were you last night?"

"Busy." I reply forcefully without hesitation. Man, I sound like a real Slytherin right now.

She didn't break her eye contact. I waited for more questions from her. She'd usually force a real answer out of me, but not this morning. She continued on getting ready for the day. At least it was Saturday and I wouldn't have to spend every other class with her all day today.

I finished getting dressed. I put on some black skinny jeans today since it was a little chilly, followed by an oversized green T-shirt (have to represent my house), and a black oversized coat. I slipped on some black boots and left my wavy hair down. I thought I'd try and look cute after Draco had just fucked me half to death last night.

I stuffed my wand in my coat and headed out. I was planning on hanging out at The Three Broomsticks for a while and grabbing a butterbeer. That sounded like a nice start to the weekend to me.

I began down the steps from the girls' dormitories, headed towards the Slytherin common room. Suddenly I hear Pansy's voice from down there. And she was speaking loud enough for probably everyone upstairs to hear her.

"So are you fucking that dirty Mudblood slut yet?" That little bitch is talking about me AGAIN.

I round the corner to find Draco's back to me, and Pansy just in front of him.

"Parkinson, you're bloody crazy if you think I'd dirty my blood being with someone like her. My father would disown me for associating myself with someone like her." I halt just in time to make eye contact with the pug-face, causing Draco to turn around. His face shifted from smug to "oh shit" real fast, but he said nothing to defend himself. Nothing to defend me.

Without a word to either of them, I scurried passed with my nose in the air. They knew that I heard them, and they knew that I knew they were talking about me.


I had only made it halfway to Hogsmeade before I stopped. I stood alone on the bridge to just think. I began to break down, feeling tears form in my eyes. I'm normally not sensitive to people calling me names; not like this. But it was the fact that Draco and I spent such a passionate night together, and he doesn't even want to acknowledge his feelings about it. All he does is lie.

"I don't even know what the truth is anymore." I mumble to myself as I wipe my tears with my coat sleeve and continued on my way to get out of the cold. Maybe Draco would never change. Maybe I was just a fun time for him and that's all he wanted. This plan wasn't going to work. And I still have to go to Yule Ball with him. Shit.

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