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The first thing I did when I woke up the next morning was shower. All of that chocolate I had eaten last night had made me feel gross. I cleansed my scalp with my new favorite shampoo (it was pumpkin scented for the holidays) and rinsed the rest of my body well. When I got out, I put on my white collared shirt, followed by my black button up sweater and tucked in my green tie underneath the sweater. I slipped on a black skirt - I still hate skirts - and some black boots and I snagged my robe as I was walking out of the bedroom towards the common room. 

My first class of the day was potions with Professor Snape. Everyone seems afraid of him for some reason, but he is the head of Slytherin, and I don't necessarily mind a class with him. I walk through the dark halls on the way to potions, which wasn't too far from the Slytherin common room. This is the dingiest place I have ever seen, I thought to myself as if I hadn't roamed these halls for 5 years now. 

I walk into class to see some pots already ready for brewing some potions. I LOVE the days where we actually make potions rather than reading out of a book the entire class. 

"Let's begin." You didn't even have to turn around to know whose monotone voice that way. Snape strolled through the classroom up to the front and about-faced his students.

"Today.. Is going to be an interesting day." He looked around, using only his eyes. "Today, we will be making a potion. A sort of.. love potion." He rolled his eyes. "Can anyone guess which potion that will be?"

I watched a hand shoot up at the front of the classroom. I almost didn't even notice Hermione in this class today, but there she was, always trying to answer the most questions. It's almost like she thinks she'll get graded on how many questions she answered in class.

"Amortentia?" Hermione spouted out.

"Yes.. very good Miss Granger." Snape said slyly. "Amortentia is the most powerful love potion in the world. It is distinctive for its mother-of-pearl sheen, and steam rises from the potion in spirals. Amortentia smells different to each person.. according to what attracts them..." Snape looks around the room to find the immature little ones giggling. WHAP! He slapped a book on the table in front of them to keep their attention. 

I turn to Iris: "Pansy doesn't even need this potion to be obsessed with Malfoy." Iris glanced over at Pansy, who was staring over at Malfoy, who was staring directly into the book in front of him. 

I do see why she likes to look at him though.

Snape began to pass around a sample of this potion, asking each individual person what they smelled from it. He made it to the table with Pansy and the boys. Pansy snatched that potion and took a big whiff of it with that big ass whiffer of hers. She sat there a moment, as if she were disappointed. I couldn't make out what she said she smelled, but frankly I wasn't listening anyways. I was watching the boy next to her. 

His blonde, almost white hair was covering his forehead as he looked down. I'm not sure how he could stand reading that page of that book for so long. It couldn't be THAT interesting. The potion was passed to him next. He sniffed, got a good whiff, and started speaking: "I smell.. firewood.." Okay that's a little odd, I thought. "And.. maybe some honey? Or at least something sweet like honey." Okay Draco, everyone loves sweets. "And.. It smells like halloween, like carving pumpkins." Okay that's a lot odd. Is it just ironic that I had washed my hair this morning with pumpkin scented shampoo? 

I pondered his description for a moment, and next thing I know it is my turn. I inhaled the aroma. Mmm it smells good. "It smells like mint, and I get a heavy scent of apples, green apples. There may be some cologne in there too? But it is all mixing together, so I really can't say."

Just then, I look up to see Draco Malfoy lift his head from whatever was in front of him, and gaze at me. He held eye contact with me longer than he ever has before. 

Uh oh. 


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So how are y'all liking it?! I know this chapter is pretty generic and maybe a bit boring and yes it is moving a little slow right now, but that is how we kick things off! The story has to begin somehow! Please let me know any thoughts you have! I'd love some feedback! :D

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