Prologue 1

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First drafts
don't have to be perfect.
They just
have to be written.



A complete round yet wound moon was adorning the pitch dark sky, in return sky was hiding her flaws making them both look perfect together. It's the power of love which makes you strong despite of your weakness, gives you courage to soar high in the paradise of love. A girl was standing by the railing of the balcony busy in adoring the connection of duo 𝘔𝘰𝘰𝘯 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘋𝘢𝘳𝘬 𝘴𝘬𝘺 when two arms caged her protectively in his embrace. He also got busy in adoring the moon, not the one in sky but the only one he has in his embrace, His Jāné del-am (life of his heart), His Ātashé del-am (fire of his heart), His Del khâstan ( his heart's desire).

"Do you know what our love is? " He asked staring loving into her eyes taking her hands in grip of his hands.
"Yeah. It's immortal, eternal, ceaseless, endless." She replied reclining her back against his chest. "Now you tell me what our love is? She asked him after answering his previously asked question.

"What you said is also correct but 𝘈ş𝘬i𝘮 (My love) Our love is the King of all the other love." He answered kissing her forehead lovingly.

"Dear husband none can love me the way you do. On the one side there is people of this world, who is sinner themselves and do not have the guts to forgive others sins, & on the other side it's you who have not only accepted me and my flaws and scars but also you have left no stone unturned in concealing and hiding them." Shanzay said to Daniyal with her teary eyes which has ocean of love, true love just for him.

"Shanzay I will protect you with my life, joonam (my dear, my love). You know right how much I love you, don't you?" The words came from his mouth nay but actually they were coming directly from his heart.

"I entrust my life with you 𝘏𝘢𝘣𝘪𝘣𝘪 and about your love I don't know." She said the first sentence proudly and the other one in a mischiveous tone making him groan.

"Shanzay that's not fair babes but I would prefer showing it in action than saying it verbally. What you say moosh moosh-am (my mousy mouse), should I?" At first he whined like a kid but said the further part with a smirk turning her front towards him, bringing his face dangerously close to hers.

"I.I... Niyal don't you dare do it. I'll get offended with you." Shanzay stutter first then said the further sentence confidently. He was listening her but her stuttering rosy lips caught his attention first, which he wish to devour so passionately but stopped his wild thoughts because a gentleman he was and he don't want to touch her that way without her consent.

"Babygirl don't you ever dare to be offended with me, because I love you to the heaven and back." He confessed his feelings to her, his eyes soaring in the galaxies of her brown orbs making her soft cheeks turned a light shade of crimson. Bringing her right hand to his lips, he kissed the back of her palm gently. Feeling his lips on her palm she smiled shyly.

"Niyal I also wanna say you something." She stopped for some seconds then wrapping her arms around his neck, looking in his blue orbs, she said "Daniyal you were my cousin before; now you're my husband, my soul mate, my better half; but today under the veil of this sky, decorated with beautiful moon and twinkling stars, I want to do your coronation, I'm crowning you as the king of my HEART. I Mrs Shanzay Daniyal Shirazi, with my whole will hereby declares, Mr Daniyal Shirazi as the Ruler of my heart till eternity."

On listening her beautiful confession, which was indeed so special made his poor heart jumped with excitement and went crazy. His eyes were close, he was lost in the daze of moment, when cold shivering yet soft lips came in contact with his lips making him open his eyes with shock. As his blue eyes collided with her brown ones, she turned her face to other side shying, making him missed the warmth of her soft lips, he realised it's not his dream but reality, a beautiful moment which he will cherished till his last breath.

"Shona did you just ...., I mean... did u just confessed your love for me?" His tone was sounding shock, Indeed he was with his wife's stunt. She just nodded not having courage to face him after the deed she has done.

"Shanzi look at me sweetheart." He ordered her strictly but his voice was full with love. And she looked towards Daniyal shyly, whose face was covered with a ear to ear grin.

"Oh Shanzay you made me the happiest today I was waiting for this since the time I was just a kid of 9 and you were just 3. أحبك كثيرا حبيبي ( uhibuk kathiran habibi/I love you so much darling )" He said pecking her lips out of fondness.

"أحبك كثيرا يا زوجي العزيز" Shanzay replied
('uhibuk kathiran ya zawji aleaziz / I love you so much my dear husband)

On hearing her confession once again he picked her in his arms and lifted her off the ground, twirling her round and round making her musical laughter to escape from her mouth.


Assalamualaikum roses!

What are your thoughts on this new book of mine?

Prologue 2 will be updated soon.

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