chapter 10 | truth

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Hesitant is how I feel to tell the story.

"Um, could we actually sit on the couch instead?," I ask him and he nods his head.

We quickly get rid of our dishes and walk to the couch.

I sit down next to Laila's bassinet.

He sits to my right but we have a distance inbetween eachother.

"So when I was 17, I was a senior in highschool me and my friends decided to go to a party," I say to him and he nods.

"We got all ready and dressed up to have some fun. We showed up at the party pretty late so most people were drunk or getting there," I say and let out a breath.

"I wanted to get drunk because I didn't know if I was ever going to go to a party again. So I had some drinks and by the end of the night I was drunk off my ass," I say.

"I was friends with this guy named Tyler Sloane. We were friends outside of school because he was older," I continue.

"He was at the party and I decided to meet up with him," I say as my eyes start to water.

"Um, we had more drinks and I started to feel hazy. So he took me upstairs and told me we would just sit in her until I feel better," I say as my lip starts to tremble.

Kai looks emotionless.

"He had started to make weird comments about me and my body. Just weird sexual comments. At this point I felt like I was gonna pass out so I didn't think much of it," I say.

"Then he started getting closer to me and slightly touching me and I didn't like it. At all. The next parts are hazy but the moral of the story is he had raped me," I say as tears start to fall down my face.

"He didn't just rape me. He raped me and recorded it. He kept it on his laptop and phone. I know this because when I went to the doctor they had told me we had to go to court for this," I say to him.

"Um, we went to court and they found that video. Not only was he charged for rape but also being in possession of child pornography as I was 17 and he was 20. He was sentenced to life in prison," I say to him and he still stares at me.

"Two months later I start to not feel good the routine throwing up, tender breasts, sensitive smell. And, I took a test and it was positive," I say as I look over to my baby that's asleep as tears continue to trek down my face.

"I couldn't comes to terms with it. Being raped and then falling pregnant it was to much. But, I didn't know that this baby would become my bestfriend and the reason I'm still here," I say.

"So I kept her I went into labor which was excruciating and then I had my beautiful baby girl with me. That is why I say that I have 'zero bodies' because it wasn't sex if we both didn't consent to it," I say and stare at the floor nervous to what he's gonna say.

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