Chapter 16: Skylar

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The door slams shut behind me as I sprint up the stairs and run into my room. Throwing my backpack on the floor, I close my door and dive into my bed. I'm sobbing into the pillow, trying not to be too loud so my Mom can't hear me. Mom already has enough on her plate.

Tears are streaming down my face and I can feel my mascara being smudged under my eyelids, but I don't care. All I can focus on were these thoughts that I wish I could ignore.

I am such a horrible person. I can't believe I did this to Mark and now Maya. The two people who have been there for me through thick and thin. All because of those girls. God I wish I was never friends with them. I wish I never knew them.

"Skylar! Skylar! Skylar! Guess what!" Erin yells, excitedly as she barges into my room jumping onto my bed.

"Erin, please not now. I'm tired." I mumble, doing my best not to let my voice crack, so she won't know I'm crying.

"Skylar?" Erin cocks her head at me, "are you okay? You're crying." Erin says, trying to turn me around with her little hands.

"Erin, I'm fine I promise."

"But what happened. I can make you feel better. I got an award at school for being the most... uh oh I don't remember the name. OH CONSTIPATED!"

I laugh, "you got an award at school for being the most constipated?"

"Yeah! My teacher says it means I care a lot about other people and always want to help to make them happy." Erin says, nodding very proudly at what she just said.

I sit up wiping away my tears, "Erin, I think you mean compassionate." I say, laughing.

"Ohhhh that's what it is! Uh oh what does constipated mean then? I've been telling all my friends I got an award for that."

I shake my head at her, "Oh Erin. You are so silly." I say, pulling her into a hug.

After a few minutes of us laying in my bed, Erin says "Skylar, are you okay?"

"yeah Erin, I'm fine. I promise."

"Then why were you crying?"

"Well Erin, sometimes people say things that can hurt other people's feelings, and when someone says it enough times it'll build up to the point you need to cry and just let it all out."


I laugh, "Erin, stop, sit down. You don't need to do that for me bug. I'm fine. It's healthy to cry Erin. We shouldn't hold everything in all the time. Sometimes you need to face the issue and let your emotions take control and that's okay."

Erin nods, "Okay, Skylar," she says and she cups my face in her hands, "Don't be sad, Skylar. I love you a gazillion times and I don't like seeing you sad. You're my favorite person ever and if someones being mean to you, you should yell at them or I can yell at them. But, I think mom says you should ignore them. She always says ignore the haters and put your sunglasses on. So I think you should do that."

"Alright Erin, trust me these sunglasses are on forever." I say, putting on an imaginary pair of sunglasses.

"Good, I'll put mine on too so we can twin!" She yells, putting on an imaginary pair of sunglasses too.

"Wait, was there something you wanted to tell me?"

"Oh yeah, it was that I got an honorary certificate for being the most constipated in my class."

I laugh, "compassionate," I correct her.

"Right compassionate!" She repeats, jumping off my bed.

"I'm going to go watch Disney now! My favorite show is on!" She says.

"Okay, and Erin keep this between us! Don't tell mom!"

"Okay, I also won't tell her you have black smudges all over your face too! They're kinda gross!" She yells running out of my room.

I quick an eyebrow up at what she said. Black smudges? I turn my head to look at the mirror in my room, and notice the smudges. Ugh my stupid mascara. Why isn't this cry proof. Erin really has no chill, I swear to God. I think to myself, as I shake my head and laugh at the thought of how silly my baby sister can be. 

A/N: Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and if you did please vote!

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