Chapter 7: Skylar

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Mom told me that they wanted me to be at the company right after school. So, here I am. Right now, I'm sitting in my car and praying to God that I don't have to deal with the girls today or any other day. After a few more minutes, I decided that it would be best not to be late on my first day. I head into the building, and, since I know where everything is, I find Mr. Jauregui's office with ease.

I knock on the door.

"Come in," Mr. Jauregui shouts from inside.

I slowly open the door and step in, "Hey Mr. Jauregui!"

"Skylar! Long time no see! How have you been?"

I shrug, "Pretty good."

"Well, that's good to hear. I'm glad that you decided to take this job offer after all. We could really use your work ethic here."

"Yeah, thank you for the job offer!"

"Of course! So, as a secretary I expect you to take calls, help clients who come in, do some paperwork and filing as well as other jobs we may have for you like cleaning up a room. Your base salary is going to be $20 an hour."

Wow, they pay really good.

"You think you can handle all of that?" Mr. Jauregui asks.

I nod, "Definitely."

"Perfect! Alright, let's head to your desk then."

We both get up and start walking to my desk which is at the entrance of the company. While we're walking he says, "Your hours may vary a bit. We're obviously not going to make you work everyday because school should be your top priority. So, we're thinking Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday right after school until 8 and then Saturdays 10 am to 5 pm. That sound good?"


"Great! Alright, this will be your desk. I have a few tasks for you to do on your desk. I need you to set up some meetings with clients as well as make 500 copies of the flyer that's on your desk. You know where the copy machine is, right?"

You mean the copy machine that's in the room where I used to hangout with your daughter and her friends? Yeah, I know exactly where that is.


"Perfect, thank you so much, Skylar. I really appreciate this!" He says as he walks away.

Alright I guess I'll go make these copies first. Get the easiest tasks out of the way before tackling the harder ones, right? I think to myself as I gather the papers and head to the room where I had some of the best times of my life.

Hmm, I wonder if the room looks any different. Do any of the girls even come here anymore? Ahh, I used to love this place so much. Can't believe how much things have changed in 4 years.

I stop in front of the door. I take a deep breath before I turn the door knob and slowly open the door. I walk in and take in my surroundings.

Wow, four years and practically nothing has changed. The room looks exactly the same. Same bean bag chairs, same couch, same TV. They added some more pictures on the walls as well as some paintings, but other than that everything is the same.

Alright, I should start doing some work.

I walk over to the copy machine and place the paper on it. Then I click a few buttons and the machine begins working on making the copies.

As I wait, I see a familiar picture out of the corner of my eye.

Wait, isn't that...

I walk towards the picture to get a better view of it. My eyes widen a little when I realize what is in the frame.

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