Chapter 2: Camila

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"She said what?!" I ask, shocked by what Lauren just told me.

School's over for the day. Right now, I'm with the girls at my locker. I'm leaning against the locker as I listen to what Skylar said to Lauren and Normani.

"I know! I don't know who she thinks she is talking back to us now." Laurens says.

"Yeah, she called me a bitch in English today," I say.

"Seriously?! Even after you just told her not to talk to us disrespectfully?" Ally says.

"Who does she think she is!" Dinah exclaims.

"Clearly somebody needs to be taught a lesson," I say.

"Well, looks like we'll have to wait until tomorrow. She's probably home already." Ally says.

Lauren and Normani give each other a look and smirk.

"What?" I ask.

"Skylar's in detention." Normani says.

Detention?! What the hell did she do to get detention? She's literally such a good student...

"Detention?" Dinah asks just as confused as I am.

"Yeah, Lauren called her out for sneaking into class late which put Skylar on the bad side of Mr. Davis for the day." Normani explains.

"Yeah and then she decided to yell 'shut the fuck up' to us. Mr. Davis heard that and gave her a well deserved detention." Lauren finishes.

I smirk, "Hold on."

I take my phone out and call my Dad, the principal. As I'm on the phone, I put a little distance between me and the girls, so I can have a somewhat of a private conversation with my Dad. "Hey Papa! Are you still at school?"

"No mija. I just left. Why? Do you need something?"

I smirk, "Well, my friend, Skylar, is in detention and I was hoping you could pardon her."

"Mija, you know I can't do that. Her teacher gave her detention for a reason."

"I know Papa, but we have a really important project to do and I can't do it without her. Please Papa, for me?"

My dad sighs, "Alright, I'll tell my secretary to let you pull her out of class because I have something else for her to do instead. So, go get the note from the secretary and head over to the detention room."

"Yayyy! Thank you Papa! I love you!"

My Dad chuckles, "Yeah, yeah. Make sure you're home by 8. Mama made dinner."

"Yeah, of course! Bye, love you."

"Love you too honey."

I walk back to the girls and wave my phone at them, "Guess who just got Skylar out of detention. Meaning, she's ours for a few hours." 

"Wait, seriously?! How did you do that?!" Normani exclaims, excitedly.

"What can I say? Daddy's girl get's her way." I shrug, "Come on let's go to his office. His secretary's going to give us a note to pull Skylar out of detention."

As we walk over to the office I ask, "Also, did you guys see the group text?"

"Yeah, who was the other number?" Ally asks.

Dinah smirks, "Skylar."

"What?!" Lauren, Normani and Ally say in unison.

"Yeah, Camila over here is a genius. Came up with this whole plan to get Skylar's number. We asked her to do our essay outline for us and then forced her to give us her number."

"Yeah, Dinah had to threaten her a bit, but it was worth it because we got what we wanted." I add.

"Wow, I can't believe that actually worked." Lauren says.

We finally get to my Dad's office and his secretary hands me the note. Then we head to detention. I walk into the room alone and instantly spot Skylar.

She's too focused on doing her homework to notice me.

God, she's still a hard worker. Wonder if she still gets up early in the morning to study for her tests. I don't know why she did it in middle school, considering nothing in middle school even mattered, but I honestly admired her for it. Wait, ew. Please never say that again Camila.

I hand the note to the teacher overseeing detention. She smiles at me before reading the note. Then she looks up and says, "Skylar, looks like the principal wants you to do something else instead of detention. Go with Camila and she'll show you what it is."

Skylar's head shoots up at the mention of my name and her eyes widen. She's trembling because of how nervous she's just become.

I can't help but smirk a little at the sight.

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