Paladin on Amazon! (pre-order)

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As most of you know by now, the published version of Paladin is coming out on Thursday, May 14! That's in less than 3 weeks! I'm so incredibly happy with how the final product has turned out, and I hope you all will be too.

For those of you interested in a digital copy, Paladin is available right now for pre-order on Amazon Kindle. It's $2.99, which hopefully is a price that falls within most of your budgets. I'd like you all to be able to own a copy of the final version.

Below is the link (which I know you can't copy and paste) - I've also included it as the external link so it's easy to access. If you do a search for my name (Sally Slater) on, you'll also find it as the first result.

If you have a Nook, or use iBooks, Smashwords or Kobo, don't worry, those links are coming...I'll share those as soon as they're available. And for those of you who prefer a paperback book you can hold in your hands, you'll be able to buy those starting on release day, May 14.

Those of you who bought a limited edition copy...first of all, you rock. Second, you will be getting a free digital copy on May 14, and your hardback version with my autograph soon after. Can't wait to start signing copies!

Thanks to everyone on Wattpad for helping me become a published author. I can't believe it's real!

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