What to do if you can't buy Paladin

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I know that not everyone on Wattpad has the option to buy Paladin. If you're a physical book reader (vs. ebook), the hardback is expensive and might be out of your price range. Please don't hesitate to reach out to my publisher Jess at jdawson@perfect-analogy.com if you think a paperback (which would likely be $10-$15 cheaper) would work for your budget. The more interest there is, the cheaper my publisher can offer a paperback.

But going beyond that, there are a few other ways you can try to get your hands on a copy of the published version. Here are a few ideas:

1)      Ask your local library to get a copy of Paladin. Many libraries have a "Suggest a Purchase" page where you can make a formal request, or you can consult a librarian for help.

2)      Talk up Paladin to your friends. Hey, if they get a copy, you can always borrow it!

3)      Look out for future book giveaways. There will definitely be some coming up!

While book sales are definitely important for an author's success, the most important success factor is getting the word out there. If you'd like to show your support for Paladin's official debut, here are a few ways you can help:

1)      Write a review for Paladin on Goodreads.

2)      Share the news about Paladin being published on Facebook, Twitter and Wattpad.

3)      Recommend Paladin to your friends and family IRL.

Again, thanks for all your support over the past four years and on this final step of the journey!


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