Paladin is Published!!!

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***Drum roll***

Today is the big day! (And I thought it would never get here.) Paladin is now available for purchase in ebook format on, iBooks, Nook and Smashwords. The hardback physical copy will be available for purchase on Amazon and in a few hours, as will ebooks on Kobo (I'll update this post ASAP).

You can find all the direct links to each version on my Wattpad profile or you can visit my website Of course, you can also just search for "Sally Slater" in your favorite e-bookstore and it should come up.

The first thing those of you who buy the book will see when you open your copy is the dedication page: I dedicated Paladin to all of you, my Wattpad readers, because you're the reason my dream of writing fiction ever took flight. I owe this community so much, and above all else, want you to know how much your support and encouragement has meant to me. I've said this before: Paladin is your book as much as it is mine. It exists because of you.

All that mushiness aside, I've decided to list out some of the reasons to consider buying Paladin!

1) You love Paladin and want to read the final, revised version

2) You haven't read Paladin yet but it sounds pretty awesome

3) You want more people to know about Paladin and get excited about it

4) You plan on reading the sequel to Paladin (which I'll be starting on soon!). The sequel will be based on the revised version (Do you know who the Twelve are? Or who the heck Fenric is? Better read the new version of Paladin then!)

5) You want to be a published author one day and hope to make a living at it (Hey, me too!)

6) You like me :) What, that's not a good reason???

As a special bonus, any reader who goes above and beyond by purchasing Paladin and posting a review to Amazon (or the site where you bought your book) will get an autograph with an individualized thank you note from me! This includes those of you who have ebooks - there's a cool program called "Authorgraphs" that lets me sign my name and write personal messages inside your Paladin ebook. Send me or my publisher Jess at the link to your review or a screenshot of your review, and my digital autograph is yours.

I know some of you won't be able to buy Paladin for various reasons - don't worry, the next post is for you.

In conclusion, I love you guys. Thank you for making today and whatever is to come possible. And if you do buy a copy, I am dying to know what you think!


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