Maria Johnson Part 1

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My name is Maria Alaina Johnson (or so I thought). I have green eyes with brown around them and medium length brown hair. My mom's name was Jessica but everyone called her Jessy. She had brown hair and bright green eyes. She was an average height but to me she was a giant mostly because I was a kid. My dad on the other hand, well I didn't know him until I was about six or seven. All my mom told me was that he was "protecting me" by not being there because  according to her he was a very important person (he was and still is) my mom said I looked like him but I never believed her.

We used to live in Queens. My mom was friends with the Parker's, well more so Mary she later met Richard. So of course when my mom was pregnant with me Mary was also expecting. They had a little boy and named him Peter Benjamin Parker. He's 5 days older than I am. Him and I became inseparable, we were like two peas in a pod. We lived close to each other, and being the little trouble makers we were we would sneak out and meet at a bench behind our houses. It became "our bench" and we shared so many great memories there.

When I was about five my mom and I moved to Midtown Manhattan. We didn't have much, nor did we need much because It was just the two of us. I liked it like that everything was perfect  (for a while). A week before my sixth birthday (My birthday is August 15th), my mom and I decided to go get dinner together. I wore a white dress with black flats, my mom wore a long floral dress, it was a fancy restaurant so I had to dress "nice". I was (and still am) the kind of person who didn't like dressing up. I liked wearing t-shirts and pants just like that but once in a while my mom would force me to dress up.

We walked to the restaurant and even as a kid I knew when my mom was acting off. She kept looking around with worry in her eyes. When I asked about it she told me it was nothing, so I believed her  (I wish I didn't) because I knew my mom wouldn't lie to me. We sat down, ordered, and ate our food. After we were done we walked the path back home and I was holding my mom's hand. She was so warm and her hand was so soft and you could feel the love from the slightest touch. She told stories and like always I asked about my dad. She still didn't tell me much. 

We got home at 9:54 and my mom said we could watch a movie. I wanted to watch Toy Story so we got the popcorn, snacks, and sat down to enjoy the movie. My mom was still looking around as if she knew something was gonna happen. We finished the movie and put the dirty dishes in the sink. That's when we heard a noise. It sounded like  glass broke, at first we thought it was just some jerk kids who threw something into the window but then boom. 

Word count: 548

A/n: ok so tell we what you think so far. (if anyone ever reads this. which I doubt) It's my first attempt at writing and as you can tell I'm a rookie so please Tell me your opinion on this.

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