Love you 3000 Part 6

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When I got home I texted Mj and went to the living room to watch Brooklyn Nine-Nine, the best show in my opinion. I watched about 10-15 episodes, not proud of that but I got invested, then walked to my room and got ready for bed, that's when my dad walked in.

"Hey kiddo, are you happy here?" He asked with a face I can only describe as pained.

"Yeah, I actually really like it here but it gets a bit lonely from time to time, but I'm fine. Why? What's wr-"

"Come with me."

He walked out with slumped shoulders and hunched posture like a little kid who heard they couldn't have ice cream. I followed him downstairs and saw a woman with ginger hair sitting on the couch. I already knew who it was. I have my own files on everyone in this building, some are from Nick Fury and S.H.I.E.L.D but no one knows I have them. No one even knows I exist.

"Maria, this is Pepper, Pepper this is Maria, my daughter."

Pepper looked me up and down like she couldn't believe her eyes. I just stood there shifting from one foot to the other. She kept doing double takes as if the next time she looked I would just disappear, like a figment of her imagination. My dad looked at me to see if I was shocked but honestly it's about time I met her. She's been working for my dad for years now. I honestly thought I would meet her sooner.

"H-hi I'm- I'm sorry I just never knew you existed," she said, snapping out of her shocked trance.

"Yeah, I think that's common territory for everyone except me and my dad."

"Well she's definitely your daughter, that's the Stark sarcasm for sure," She said looking at my dad. He just chuckled under his breath, he seemed to be getting better, he didn't look so pained or scared anymore so that's good. "How old are you Maria?"

"16 in 2 weeks."

"Are you going to High school?"

"Mhm starting tomorrow, Midtown high. I met someone who's going there earlier today."

"You did? Who?" My dad finally chimed in. I hate small talk, especially with people who never knew of my existence. Which is almost everyone.

"Oh uh her name is Michelle Jones but I call her Mj. I met her while I was out, I bumped into her by accident and then got a drink with her. She was really nice and she's going to Midtown as well."

"Well that's awesome, were you ever going to tell me about her or are you too cool now?"

"You have to stop saying 'Or are you too cool for blah'. But I was going to tell you when you got home." There was a silence and somehow during that whole time I ended up sitting on the floor where I was standing just waiting to be excused.

"I'm gonna head home ok?" Pepper broke the silence and walked to the elevator to leave.

"I like her"

"I'm sure you do. Also what the hell are you doing on the floor?"

"Oh, I honestly forgot I was on the floor," I said getting up and sitting next to him, "But I'm serious, I like her, she seems nice."

"Mhm, are you excited for tomorrow? Even though you already sorta went through highschool."

"Ha ha very funny. I actually am, I miss having someone other than you to talk to."

"Ouch," he said with a fake hurtful look.

"You know what I mean. I miss my old friend though, I always wonder how he's doing. We used to hang out all the time. There was this tree house in the backyard of his house and sometimes I would sneak back there with him just to talk and look at the stars. I would sneak back into the house before mom knew I was out of bed and just walkie him. I knew I would see him the next day but I didn't care. I just wanted to hear him talk, he would never stop talking." I smiled to myself looking at my bracelet he gave me all those years ago reminiscing back at the memory.

"I never knew that, why didn't you tell me?"

"I didn't really think you'd care. It was so long ago and I still don't like talking about mom and her uh-" I felt the tears start burning my eyes and the knot in my throat. I don't know why I still can't talk about it or even think about it. It's so stupid. I hate feeling like this.

"Hey, hey it's ok, it's ok you don't have to talk about it. I understand it's fine ok?" He put his hand on my shoulder and lifted my head up so I was looking at him now, "What was his name?" Dad always hated seeing me like this and he knew I hated feeling like that so he just changed the subject trying to lighten the mood.

"Pete, Peter Parker, I used to call him Petey. Mostly because he hated it," I let out a sad chuckle, making my dad laugh.

"Come on you gotta go to bed it's getting late and you have school tomorrow."

"Yeah, yeah your right night dad love you 3000," I said and got up.

"I remember the first time you said that," I turned around, "It was the second week you had arrived and you said "Nighty night dad I love you 3,000" and my heart just melted but I laughed which made you laugh." He smiled and looked at me, "that was the moment I felt you actually accepted me as your father and I'll cherish that memory always. Anyway Good night hon get a good sleep alright you need it."

"Right right night dad love you"

Word Count: 969

A/n: I don't know how this chapter came together honestly. I was just fighting writers block and just let my fingers type. I'm sorry if this chapter is absolute sh!t but I do appreciate feedback so if you wan to tell me what I can do and what to change. Love you all and I'll see you later, Laters gators. 

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