Morning Part 7

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"Ms. Stark... Ms. Stark, it's time to wake up" Friday said throughout my room.

Wonderful, I thought, "Five more minutes" I mumbled, turning and putting a pillow over my head.

"Ms. Stark you are going to be-"

"WAKEY WAKEY KIDDO" my dad yells swinging open the door dragging the blankets from my bed and pillow from my face. I turn and look at him, he has this enormous smile on his face like he's enjoying my suffering. "Come on Kiddo, you've been asking me to let you go to school for years, and NOW you don't wanna go?"

"It's different, it wasn't 5 in the morning when I asked," I said finally sitting up and letting out a yawn.

"Oh quit your whining, get ready and I'll have Happy drop you off. Unless somehow Happy leaves and you have to walk" he grins starting to back up out of my room, laughing to himself.

"Ok, Ok, alright, I'm up, I'm going" I said, getting to my closet and picking out some clothes. I put on my clothes slowly while still waking up. Once I finished getting ready and tied my shoes I grabbed a jacket seeing as it's quite cold in Queens and put it on. I grabbed my phone, my headphones, and my backpack, finally making my way to the elevator. After Avengers Tower was destroyed my dad moved me to an apartment building close to the school. He comes by every day to check up on me, but today was definitely the earliest he's been here. It's not a normal apartment, it's laid out like a house, each floor something different, with some fake levels just in case. I waited a few minutes feeling as if time was going slower than it should be, only to realize I never pushed the button for the elevator. "I may need a coffee before I leave," I said to myself, shaking my head a bit to wake up. I usually wake up around this time but for some reason it felt so much more exhausting today. When I walked into the elevator I pressed the level 3 button, which was almost like a kitchen/ living room, and I knew my dad would be there, probably sipping on a hot cup of coffee, and of course I was right.

"Good morning," he said in a cheery tone. I just nodded and put down my bag. I walked to the fridge, grabbed the milk, put it on the kitchen island and walked to the cupboard for the cereal. "Why are you so... Zombie like this morning?"

"I honestly couldn't tell you even if I wanted to. I'm so tired for no reason." I said grabbing a bowl and spoon. Pouring the cereal in the bowl and then the milk (because who in their right mind puts milk before cereal).

"Well what time did you go to sleep?" he asked, taking another sip of coffee.

"I wanna say like 10-11 PM" I said, trying to remember the last numbers I saw when drifting to sleep. "Do we have any more of that?" I asked, pointing to the cup in his hand. He nodded and pointed to the pot to my left. I silently thanked him, glad that for once he actually made more coffee then he usually did. "What are you doing today while I'm gone?"

"Not sure, probably going to figure out a more practical way of suiting up, but I'll be here by the time you get back," he said looking at me then to his phone, "You should hurry Happy's downstairs and you know he's not one to wait." I quickly ate my cereal, grabbed a to-go mug, gave my dad a hug, grabbed my bag and went to the lobby where I saw Happy waiting by the car.

"You take forever you know that?" Happy said, getting into the car.

"Isn't that what you're paid for?" I asked, opening the door and getting in. It was a quiet ride, I didn't feel like talking that much today so instead I put in my headphones and put on my playlist, occasionally taking a sip of my coffee. I looked out the window drumming my fingers on my leg and humming to the song. Happy looked at me through the rearview and asked a question that I didn't hear. "What did you say?"

"I said," Are you nervous?"" I looked at him then looked back at the window shrugging my shoulders.

"Not really, a little." I shrugged again thinking back to the last time I was in school, which only brought me back to the memories of my mom and memories of Peter.

"Why?" he asked, a hint of concern lacing his features. Happy was one of the only people who knew of my existence from the day I arrived on that doorstep. He wasn't very open, often cold towards some people but with me he was always nice and caring, sure we'd exchange quips and sarcasm but I knew how he felt about me. When dad was off doing superhero business Happy would often stay with me. I remember when the Chitauri attacked we went to the very apartment I'm at today and played board games and watched movies. He would distract me when I started to worry about my dad and he always knew what to do when I really needed it. He was an amazing friend and I trusted him with everything.

"I'm not sure, it's just been so long since I've been to school. I'm a little scared of the people I'm not gonna lie." I looked at him through the mirror and he nodded.

"I'm sure you'll be just fine, if you need anything just call and I'll come and get you" he smiled at me through the mirror for a second, only for his eyes to go back to focus on driving, mine going back to my window. After what seemed like an hour but was only about 20-30 minutes we arrived. "Alright kid, here we go, this is your stop." I looked at him frozen in my seat. "Come one Maria, you have nothing to worry about. Just go in there and be yourself... But try not to tell anyone you're a Stark."

"I assumed as much, but if I'm not Stark what did dad register me by?" I was afraid I knew the answer. I didn't want to, but it's been a long time and I think I'll be okay. It's not like anyone will recognize or know me besides MJ, and I did tell her this last name so I'm sure everything will be okay.

"You're going by your Mother's last name. If they ask you, live with your dad who's name is Anthony Johnson, right here in queens. You can tell them about your mom but only that she's gone. I know this is a lot for you but you can do it. I believe in you Maria." He ended with a cheery voice. I thanked Happy and got out of the car walking towards the double doors of the school. 

Word count: 1188

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