"Run" Part 2

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Glass flew everywhere, I was on the floor, when I got up my ears were ringing from the blast and I was looking around in a panic trying to find my mom. That's when I felt a hand on my shoulder, I tried to scream but a hand flew to my mouth as if silently telling me to shut up. I looked up at the figure and a wave of relief filled me. My mom. Saying I was scared is an understatement. My mom kneeled down to my height and said one word that still sends shivers down my spine just thinking about it.

"Run." She said, her voice a barely audible whisper.

"No! I'm not leaving without you" I said with teary eyes whispering back.

"Listen to me." My mom said with a firm voice, "Take the usual path and don't turn back. I'll find you. Ok?" Her voice softened and that just scared me even more.

The problem that I didn't tell you is that I was scared easily as a child and this was not helping. I was shaking like crazy. My mom tried to calm me down but now that I think about it I don't think you could've done anything to calm me down. So I listened to her and ran. I did look back when I ran out the door and saw about 5 guys wearing all black to blend into the dark. My mom fought them off. I didn't even know she could fight! I was scared at the thought I might not live to see the sun rise. I was scared that that might have been the last time I saw my mom. I could feel the tears going down as I ran, I wiped them away and tried to think positive thoughts.

I remembered the fun me and my mom always had. I thought of my best friend. Peter. I talked to him the other day and his parents. I thought who would take care of me if my mom was truly gone, maybe my dad? But that was impossible, I don't even know him. Maybe the Parker's? They were already like family to me. Pulse I talked to them the other day so maybe they would take me in. Hopefully they don't have to.

I started to slow down. I didn't even recognize where I was. I was too deep in my thoughts, and that's when it hit me. Sleep. I was so tired and my legs felt like jelly. I was still in that stupid dress and remembered my mom again. She said she'd find me but I felt the urge to go back to help. What was I gonna do? I have no idea, it just felt like I had to go back. So I started walking, I sped up, and before I knew it I was running back to my house. My legs were hurting but I couldn't care less. Not shortly after I reached the house. The door was unlocked (obviously) and I walked in. It looked empty at first but then I saw her.

word count: 518


Ok part 2. idk what to think about this part but I really hope you like it. I needed to make this part so I could move on. Please tell me what you thought. I don't know how many parts there will be but i'll probably make it two books so hang in there. And thank you for reading! I have just one question. Does anyone have some orange slices?  

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