Chapter 13

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It was already a couple of days since Ruhaan came back to Pakistan after undertaking his final exams. As she couldn't do so when he returned two weeks ago due to her son's death, but this time, Rutba begum prepared his welcome with devotion. She asked the cooks to prepare his favorite dishes for the dinner. Rahmeen even gave him a pretty gift as well.

Now as he came back, he was a different Ruhaan. He had so many responsibilities to take care of. The top of it was his Daddy's business. Once again, Rutba Begum had reminded him about this at the dinner table and he couldn't say anything except a head nod. He found it so complicated but he had to do this.

After spending time with his precious sister and grandma, he eventually reached his room to sleep as it was almost midnight and he was dying of lack of sleep. He brushed his teeth, took a warm shower, and changed into a night suit before making his way to his bed. It wasn't even past five minutes as he closed his eyes when his phone rang.

He abruptly opened his eyes and searched for his phone here and there. After finding it beside him on the bed, his brows narrowed seeing Ijaz Ali's name glowing on the screen. He halted for a few seconds before picking it.

Ijaz Ali had asked to meet him tomorrow and he said yes. With this, he remembered his Daddy's peculiar will. He had to do something to change it. His Daddy made that will out of pressure. But unfortunately, he had no proof yet. Ijaz asked him to come with some evidence but what could he do? How could he convince him of the fact that Daddy's brother had ditched him and now his daughter was taking advantage of him?

When he couldn't find any way out, he made a final decision which was to persuade the lawyer to change the will. He could go to any extent to do so.

The next morning, he reached Ijaz Ali's office. He was doing recitation when he came to his room. Ijaz smiled and placed Quran Pak back in its original place and looked at him.

"I called you here, Ruhaan beta because the other beneficiary has already claimed her share of the property yesterday, and now it's only you and your sister who is left to claim it. Please put your signature here and let me get freed from this duty," Ijaz Ali said in a professional tone.

"What did you say?" Ruhaan sneered. "That woman already claimed?"

Ijaz Ahmad nodded. Ruhaan clenched his jaw in anger.

Typical money-hungry woman.

Definitely got the genes from her bastard father.

He thought as a fire of hatred was boiling in his heart.

'I won't let you greedily take advantage of my Daddy's helplessness. I will make you regret even your being on this earth, Nisha Sikandar. This decision is just a small thing in front of it. I will make you suffer just like your father caused my Daddy. '

"Here!" Ijaz Ali said which brought him out of his thoughts. He snatched the ballpoint and will page from his hand and in the same resentment, did his signature.


After dealing with the lawyer, he came to his Daddy's office. Everyone welcomed him as their new boss. He referred to Mr. Hamid who was his Daddy's secretary about the current status of the business and how he could handle it. Hamid was an old man with a bright smile and a soft attitude. His Daddy ran a big and famous textile factory.

He sat in his Daddy's chair and smiled when he smelled his Daddy's fragrance from this room.

"Excuse me, sir. Can I come inside?" A fragile, soft and beautiful voice asked from outside of the door after a knock.

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