💟Bonus Chapter 2💟

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As the car stopped by the side, she regarded the tall red building attentively. Hopefully what she wanted to do would prove to be fruitful.

Nisha glanced over at Ruhaan and smiled softly. His lips too spread and his blue eyes twinkled with the love he had for her. With each passing day, he was falling more and more for her. Before meeting her, he didn't even know the meaning of love but now he couldn't imagine one second without the love of his life.

Nisha had changed him. A tough, precise, and workaholic person like him cherished the small distractions of his life now. He adored spending time with her and his twins. He never thought of having a family of his own but here Nisha and their children became his whole world now.

His own little family whom he could die for.

They got out of the car and headed towards the building. Nisha's gaze caught the signboard of Sunshine Orphanage. Ruhaan held her delicate hand and stopped in the corridor, before entering the director's office.

"Are you sure, Nisha?" He asked.

She nodded and squeezed his hand. Ruhaan caressed the side of her cheek tenderly. When would this girl stop giving surprises to him like this? She was so nice and pure. Ruhaan often used to thank Allah for giving her back to him despite what he did with her. That was the reason, he now tried his best to keep her happy and loved.

They entered the office and after a while, Nisha signed the papers in which she was happily donating the cash equivalent to Sufiyan Ahmad's decided her share of his property in his will for the betterment of the kids of the orphanage.

Who could be more rightful for this money? Sufiyan did this because Nisha became an orphan due to him and she was now helping the other orphans with this money.

They spent the rest of their evening with the kids from the orphanages. Seeing them made Nisha's eyes blubber. She could understand their misery quite well since she also went through the same thing.

On their way home, they stopped by a restaurant to have dinner.

"Today I am very happy Ruhaan. Allah gave me a position where I could help others. Half of the burden of my heart ended today. My misery also finished today when I saw those children happy receiving the gifts we gave them. May Allah let every parent live long," she suddenly spoke.

Ruhaan cupped her hand. He knew despite how much compensation he would make, the pain of that child Nisha who had to live without her father could never be lessened. It must have been so difficult for her and her mother. If only, greed and jealousy would become extinct in this world, everything would be so calm.

"I am glad this made you happy," he murmured, truthfully.


In the night, Nisha took careful steps into the kid's room. A gratification hit her heart seeing Ruhaan sitting at the corner of the bed with Aliyan and Eshal who were just about to doze off. He was reading them a bedtime story and it was almost over, she speculated. It always warmed up her heart to see her kids getting attached to their father. Aliyan was already a fan of his Daddy while Eshal also started to open up to him. In contrast, it was every day Ruhaan who used to tell them stories and help them sleep. Nisha usually used to study or take a nap at that time.

"Did they sleep already?" Nisha whispered.

The kids were now twenty-one months old. They even learned to sit and walk with support. And Nisha always loved when they reached their different milestones but at the same time sad that they were passing so quickly. It felt like yesterday her twins were born and now they would hit two years in a few months.

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