Chapter 39

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It was yet another day Ruhaan woke up late and missed his workout. He couldn't be able to sleep for more than a few hours since she left. He was restless and his perfectly modulated life was getting affected by this. He had always been an orderly person but now everything was out of order.

It had been his routine for ages to gym or jog in the morning and then he first used to go to his college, university, and, now office after a healthy but in proper proportion breakfast. He liked himself in proper shape and maintained his diet likewise. Even his meal times had been suitably timed. He always used to eat at a self-designated time.

He lazily got out of bed to take a quick shower. The office needed him and he had to go there nevertheless. When he came back the to room, rubbing his hair with a towel, his eyes caught the attention of the diamond set on the dressing table which he gave her. It had been spotted as the same place where she had dropped it. He reached out and held it in his hand.

While buying it, he hadn't bothered about anything. It was just a way to stop unnecessary attention from him if anyone would ask Nisha about her wedding present. But now the picture of her slim and beautiful neck when she wear it formed in his mind. How elegant she was looking in it. It felt like it was made for her. Her eyes held the shyness and her cheeks turned blanched at finding the unwanted appreciation in his gaze for her.

Ruhaan sighed and set the necklace in the top drawer. One day would come when he would give her a gift which he would have taken having solely her in his mind and he knew she would accept it. She loved him.

When he came downstairs all dressed in his business suit, he found his grandmother in the dining hall. He approached her and greeted them before occupying his usual seat.

"Did you go to Nisha's house yesterday?" She asked him.

Ruhaan raised a brow in confusion. "I told you this."

She shrugged her shoulders. "Her mother had called me. So frantic over this fact that you visited her place and threatened that you will not give her a divorce. "

Ruhaan left the spoon and looked at her with wide eyes. "Threatened? I never threatened her. No offense but I think that lady is so rigid in her beliefs. She never gives the other person any room to clear himself."

"Ruhaan!" Rutba Begum glared at him. "That's not why I allowed you to go to her house."

Ruhaan sighed. "Dadi, believe me, I didn't coerce her. I was talking with utmost respect with her but she kept on getting on my nerves. She never allowed me to speak whatever I want to say. Not to forget don't know where she had hidden Nisha. I couldn't see her. I just said Nisha is my wife and she can't stop me from meeting her that too when she became intolerable."

"Don't make things difficult for you, Ruhaan. Your father did wrong in the first place and then you acted ignorant and impulsive. The one who has to lean should be you," Rutba Begum informed him.

Ruhaan placed his hand above hers. "I know Dadi. I will meet Nisha separately when her mother wouldn't around. That lady wouldn't allow her to listen to me. She also didn't listen to Daddy when he was sorry."

Rutba Begum took out her hand from under his. She had to agree that Ruhaan was right here. If Tabinda would have at least heard Sufiyan, things wouldn't have gotten this worse and Ruhaan wouldn't have done this.

"Be careful. She is also her mother's daughter. Handle things with brain not impulse," she warned him.

Ruhaan smiled. "You don't worry about this. I know what I have to do. She will listen to me because she loves me."

Rutba Begum regarded him thoughtfully. Hope everything would turn out in favor of her grandchildren.

"Will you support me?" Ruhaan asked her.

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