#23- "She's Gone, Why Isn't She Home!?"

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Ⓓⓞⓝ'ⓣ ⓕⓞⓡⓖⓔⓣ ⓣⓞ ⓛⓘⓚⓔ, ⓢⓗⓐⓡⓔ, ⓐⓝⓓ ⓒⓞⓜⓜⓔⓝⓣ!
Y/n's Mother P.O.V


"Ryan, do you think she's okay...? She hasn't answered her phone or seen any of my messages... she always has her phone in her hand too! She never takes more than a few minutes to respond!" I say, feeling stressed.

"Mary, calm down! I'm sure she's fine... she never breaks any of the rules we sat down for her to follow." Ryan says, reaching the hand he wasn't using to steer the steering wheel of the car to grip my hand.

He looked at me, trying to hide his own worry behind his eyes. I could see it though, yet he still held my hand giving it a reassuring squeeze.

"Okay... we'll see when we get there." I semi- smile...

It's a lie... I know somethings off, I can feel it in me, I just... don't know what it is.


Please be safe Y/n... for me, for your dad, for us.

Driving through the highways and pulling up into the street we live at we near the house.

Why was Alex's truck in our drive way?


I don't even wait until Ryan's done parking the car in the driveway before I throw the door open, racing out to the front door.
"Mary! Wait up!"

"Y/n! Are you in there? Are you okay? Are you alright!? Please open the door if you can hear me!" I bang on the front door, not thinking right.

"...Mary step back a bit..." I feel Ryan pull me back, away from the door.

"...? What is it Ryan?" I ask I just turn my eyes to his hand seeing him turn the doorknob...

It wasn't locked...


"Y/n! Are you in here!" I shout running from room to room. Ryan having gone to the back yard after checking your room. I then here Ryan say he'll call your phone just incase.

Praying as I hear his phone begin to ring, I felt my walls shatter... Ryan and I turning to look at the table by the pool.

Your phone was left on the table...
Ringing loudly...

Ryan then hangs up, heading over to look at the table,

"Mary, call the police and detective agency, now." I nod, beginning to feel my eyes tear up, pulling my phone out.

"911 what's your emergency?"

"Hello?! It's... it's my daughter! The school called two days saying she hadn't shown up, she hasn't been responding her phone since then either, she's missing!"

"Ma'am, please calm down, how long has she been missing for?"

"I... I don't know! My husband and I just got here to check on her, but we found the font door unlocked, her cousins truck in the drive way and some of our neighbor's kid school work in our back yard."

"Alright, do you have any clue what might have happened?"

"No! I don't, no one's here!"

"Okay ma'am I'll send down a team to check out the place, and have them check on the neighbour's house as well. Please stay where you are, and don't touch anything."


'End of call'


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