On The Run (part 2)

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"Hey Kuroo! Look at this place, creepy isn't!?"

"Yeah Bokuto, I don't think we should be here though." I said, looking around.

"Oh come on! Is little Kuroo afraid of ghost?!" He mocked, chuckling.

"Oh shut up!" I said pushing him out of my face entering the abandoned place.

Walking in we look around but don't see or hear anyone inside.

"Look Kuroo bro! There's a bathroom and a sink! Think it works man!?" Bokuto said looking at me in excitement.

"Bokuto... it's just a sink," sighing I pulled the handle to the sink.

Much to our surprise, it did work.

"Man that's so cool! A creepy abandoned place with a working sink and bathroom!" Bokuto shouted.

"Yeah... I think that's enough exploring Bokuto, it's getting late anyways. We already told Akaashi we wouldn't take long, let's head back to the place we chose to camp at." I said turning for the exit.

"Aww man! I wish Akaashi was here too! He's not a scaredy- cat like you bro!" Bokuto said.

"... I literally led us into the building Bokuto, if anything you're the scardey- cat hiding behind me like a little kid." I laughed, sticking my tongue out at him.


I laughed, good old times. Right now isn't the time to think about that though. I'll make sure no one is in the building and make sure it's safe.

The building next door could be of use too... I could place Alex's body inside of there so the car doesn't smell like a decaying corpse. I'll have to move him out before waking up Y/n.

Walking into the building and making sure the place was safe and no one was around I walk back to the car, heading for the trunk and pulling out a pair of gloves. I then lift the body out of the trunk walking into the other building laying down Alex on the floor.

It'll be a while until Y/n wakes up anyways, I'll just get this over and out of the way.

Pulling Alex's clothes off and making a fire to burn his clothes, I begin to rub him clean with the cleaning scrubs and bleach... it's best to get rid of any evidence, that includes getting my DNA off of him.

I'd rubbed so hard and for quite a while that his skin turned red, a bit of blood coming out from how hard I'd scrubbed him clean.

Now I just need to dispose of his body...
I remember that lake that ran down to connect with the ocean, I'll take him there after I wrap him up again.

Pouring the left over bleach onto the black sheet he was previously wrapped in, I begin to wrap him up again. There were a few pieces of broken cement of what used to be the flooring of the building. Grabbing some I place some inside the sheet with him.

That should help keep his body from floating around on the surface.

Once he was wrapped up and secured I make my way outside through the back door of the building dragging his dead body on the ground through the forest floor.

After atleats 2 hours of walking, I spot the place where the lake and ocean connected. Throwing in Alex I watch as his body was sinking down and out of view.

Great! Now to get back to Y/n before she wakes up.

Running back to the you, I open the door, seeing you shift around from the noise.

"Are we there yet, Kuroo?" I heard you sleepily ask.

"Mhm," I hum, carrying you out of the car gently, smiling to myself.

PUBLISHED ON 6/18/2022


(Broke down into two chapters from how long the original was)

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