Chapter 16: Avalon

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I didn't feel the pain as I laid there on the bed. Though the numbness only covered so much of my foot. My heart rate finally calmed down. Though I didn't know what had come over me. The fear that came over my body was terrifying. Indescribable.

The softness of Josh's hand soothes me, as he lets me squeeze it if there is slight pain. And how he calmed me earlier was. Well there's no words to describe it. He was able to do something that no one else could. Not even myself. There's something there between him and I. But I don't know what. I doubt he knows either. Or maybe he does?

I look down to my feet. Doctor Reed seems to be about done with removing it. As he snips and pulls at the final stitches. I felt eyes on me. Instantly looking up at Josh, he looks down at me with a smile.

"Why don't we do something after?" he suggested, "like ice cream or something."

"Yes, that would be fun."


"Make sure not to get it wet for at least 48 hours. No direct sunlight. Avoid it getting dirty as best as possible. And allow the scab to fall off, no picking." Doctor Reed reminds me for the third time. I nod with an apologetic smile after all the trouble I've caused in the last hour.

We walked outside to the car, being careful of the weight being barred on my foot. The air is still cool flesh against my cheeks.

"So, where would you like to go?" I ask, not knowing where anything is.

"Ice cream," he says, with a smile on his face.

"Yes," I smiled back, in excitement of this new ride.

The place wasn't far, it was surrounded by a park, kids running around. The evening spring sun kept us warm from the chilling breeze that came from the past winter. The sweet frozen cream melted in the paper cups as we walked along a path around the park. I watched his face from time to time. Watching the soft cream between his lips, while some went above. He caught me giggling silently as he whipped it away with his healing knuckle. He hid his light laughter with a smile.

I looked around, squinting my eyes from the sun. Birds flew in odd directions, singing a small song. I watched them in amazement, breathing in the city air. Though it was thick from pollution I'm guessing, it will always be better than that run down place I used to call "home." That thought unsettled in my gut, as I took another bite of the sweat cream.

"How's your ice cream?" he asked, breaking the churning inside.

"Amazing," I scooped in another bite. A small pain came from my head, so I brought my hand to my temple. Squinting my eyes further.

"Brainfreeze?" I nod.

"Me too," I opened my eyes to him holding his head as well.

I laughed as it faded away, and he joined in. I enjoy his laughter, as his smile becomes brighter, revealing his soft dimples on his cheeks, with a soft hint of pink beneath his skin.

The sound of someone calling Josh's name catches us both off guard. Three familiar faces waved us over towards a fenced off area. Emma, Kasie, and Malory. What were they doing here? Over in that blocked off cemented area. People did jumps on boards, disappearing then reappearing on the other side.

His face when I looked over was as confused as mine. His eyes asked if it was okay to go, I nodded politely, taking a closer step towards him for comfort. The sweet cream still on my one hand, my mind still mentaly focused on the singing birds that flew high in the air. His hand was placed on my mid back as we walked to the newly acquaintanced people. In that metal cage that they seemed happy in.

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