Chapter 21: Joshua

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"Okay okay I get it now," Amy says with a drunken slur as we reached the

front lawn, just like I told her I would.

"What the hell were you thinking back there? Or are you too drunk to think at all," I growl at her, as she stumbles over her converse's on her feet.

"There's no need to yell Joshua, jeez," she snorts, leaning in towards me.

"You need to go home, like now."

"But the party is just getting started darling."

Her words twist my gut like barbwire, she hasn't called me that in years, not since the break up. I knew we were over the moment I saw her and Asher behind the bleachers that day in high school. No matter how much she begged, and pleaded, it was over.

"I'm calling you a cab," I pull out my phone as she once again stumbles over her feet.

"Oh, don't be a party pooper," she slurs, "let's just go get a drink, so I can go have a talk with the petty princess over there."

"Don't call her that," I growled, pulling up the cab company number.

"Oh, so you get a knight in charming armor?" She got the wrong words, but with how much she's drunk so far tonight, I don't think she realizes.

As for the "knight in shining armor" it almost seems like it is like that. Since day one I've saved her, cared for her. Like her protector. But as of right now, she's alone with Asher once again as I deal with this drunken girl.

"Just sit down before you hurt yourself," I say as she almost falls backwards once again. Listening to the sound of the phone ringing in my ear.

"Can you get here any sooner than that?" I ask the company moments, for the earliest they could arrive was in 15 minutes. Which means 15 minutes longer that Ava would be alone. Alone with Asher. "Fine, thank you"

"Why did you do that? I need to party," Amy says as she tries to get up from laying against the grass, but instantly fails.

"No more party for you, you're going home."

"Why so cranky pretty boy?"

I kept my eyes away, keeping an eye out for the car that seems to be taking forever. The thought of Ava being alone right now killed me, not knowing if something would happen to her, but then I couldn't leave Amy alone like this. I watch as she fiddles with the grass beneath her like a child.


Finally the cab was here, 30 minutes later. Amy fumbled around as I tried to get her into the back of the car. She giggled while I struggled to remove her from my arms, as well as giving the driver the address to go to.
    "Party pooper," she slurs while I shut the door, waving off the driver. Watching as they drive down the road.

Now I needed to find Ava. Through the crowded rooms, I look for her small recognizable face. She wasn't in the kitchen where she was last time, or in the less crowded areas. Neither of the three squealing girls had seen her either. Where could she have gone?

After what seems to be a never ending search, taking my last glance around the rooms, I had finally found one of them. Asher walked past the drunken people that leaned against the wall holding two red solo cups. I could only imagine who the other one is for, until finally seeing her. She swayed back and forth with her eyes closed, opening when Asher passed her a cup. I watched as she took a big swig of the drink before bolting towards them.

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