Chapter 31 Fox

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I had to hang up on my mother after I invited her over for lunch. She was screaming so loudly I was getting a headache. I couldn't believe Marigold's reaction to meeting my parents, but I shouldn't have been surprised. My little mate is amazing. Of course she's excited about meeting my mother, she hasn't had a mother in so long, not that mine could ever replace hers.

Hunter was pacing in my head, eager to go for a run. I had to shut him down. I knew Marigold was out in the training fields so I couldn't risk her seeing me. Hunter was angry at that, he hated that I wasn't ready to show Marigold my wolf yet. I wasn't really sure why I was on the fence about it, but something was holding me back. I thought that it might've had something to do with the fact that we haven't completed the mating bond yet.

Before long it was finally time to get ready for lunch. I closed up my computer and rode the elevator to the top floor. As I neared my room, a familiar scent swirled through the air. Hunter growled in approval. We knew our mate was already in the room. I slowly opened the door so I wouldn't startle her, but found the bedroom empty. I stepped inside and closed the door behind me. I heard the shower running inside the bathroom.

I was overjoyed when Marigold decided to move into my room after only a few short days apart. Zoey and Tori were a big help in organizing my room and bathroom so all of our things would fit. Honestly, I would have thrown everything I owned away just to have her in my bed.

I knocked on the bathroom door but there was no answer. I decided to take my chances. I slowly opened the door and cleared my throat,

"Marigold?" I said into the steam filled bathroom.


"My parents will be here soon, I was just coming up to get ready." I explained, already moving towards the closest. I pulled off my shirt and was in the process of unzipping my jeans when she replied,

"Oh. Do you need a shower?" She asked innocently.

"Is that an invitation?" My voice turned husky as I imagined showering with Marigold. Silence.


"Do you want it to be?" At my mates words, I tripped over my jeans which I couldn't get off fast enough. It was my turn to be stunned speechless. I quickly had to regain composure,

"Yes, yes I do." I was trying not to sound too eager. More silence.

"Okay." Her tiny, sweet voice came from inside shower curtain. I had to make sure I was understanding her correctly,

"You want me to come in?" I braced myself for a rejection.

"Yes." If I wasn't a werewolf, I wouldn't have heard her voice. I nearly ripped the shower curtain off the rod trying to get it open.

Marigold's back was to me as I stepped into the scalding hot shower. I didn't even care that the water was giving me second degree burns. I was too busy admiring my beautiful mate. It was the first time that she allowed me to see her completely exposed.

I never realized a back could be so sexy. Her shoulder blades were strong and defined, the arch in her back was so dramatic it immediately turned me on. Her tiny, round behind was already one of my favorite things about her but, like this, my knees were weak.

I carefully touched her arms, tugging at her to face me. She slowly turned in the shower, the water running down her body, creating a fog around us. I kept my eyes locked with hers to make her feel less embarrassed. Her face was bright red, her eyes wide, and I could feel her whole body trembling.

"You're so beautiful." I whispered, leaning in for a kiss. Her shaky lips met mine and I felt her coming undone.

Her body relaxed, her hands finding my bare arms. I wrapped my arms around her, running my hands up and down her back until I had touched every inch of her. I felt her breasts against my chest as she pressed herself against me. My breathing accelerated at the feeling of her nakedness against mine. Her hands found their way to my hair and she gently started tugging, making a low growling sound build in my chest.

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