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"No that's D#," she hissed.

"It's the same thing as Eb. Im not wrong with what I heard," I almost groaned.

"You know, I do like the back bone you've acquired over the years, but I kind of liked it more when you would listen," Johannes scolded me.

"What difference does it make?" I started complaining as I erased my initial work on my sheet music and brushed away the eraser flakes with my left hand.

"You might as well start over with that chicken scratch," she continues to correct me.

"I keep telling you that I'm right handed just like I don't see the difference it would make if I were to start over because I used a flat on a single note when I got hundreds of others correct," I grew impatient.

"The difference is in key signatures! Jesus Christ! You can't have a flat in a sharp key signature, have some discipline," she scoffed.

"Im literally using it as an accidental and not a signature. I know the difference between the two you know," I rolled my eyes as I rewrote my melody line for the measure I apparently fucked up on.

"Are you even listening?" She made my temples ache.

"Sadly I am but you don't care. You're as blind as I am deaf when it comes sharing point of views," I sighed and she just gets more pissed.

"How do your professors work with you?" She was so irritated with me- I don't blame her, the feeling's mutual.

"They don't, they give me the work and I do it on my own. You should try it sometime," I rolled my eyes and she just glares at me through the bangs of my curls.

"For the love of-

"Grandmother, I'm back from my afternoon studies at the library!" Jolene came in from the front door and made way to the dining room.

"Save it," I tossed my pencil aside and kicked back.

"You better pray someone saves you when you get out of that cast," Johannes mocked me.

"Hey Carter!" Jolene waved with a small smile.

I didn't really speak. I'm still pissed with her grandma.

I'm surprised she hasn't swung her cane at my head yet.

"Your grudges in regards to me can be taken out on me but don't you dare mistreat my grandchild," Johannes slams her cane down onto the wooden floors.

"Jeez, sorry... how were your studies?" I shrugged as Johannes found satisfaction in correcting my behavior.

"Probably more productive than yours by the looks of it," her English accent had a care free giggle and I just sighed from all the tension in the room.

"Are you hungry? I just so happened to take a quick stop at the market and pick up a few paninis. The grilled chicken and avocado with red onions are my favorite," she started emptying out a paper bag and threw out the receipt.

"That's too nice- I really shouldn't, " I scratched the back of my neck reach for excuses not to take food from her..

As far as I'm concerned, I'm Johannes' worst guest.

"Next thing you know, it's nothing but bone when they remove that cast, eat for fuck sake," Johannes scoffed as she cracks open a pot to fix herself soup.

Jolene giggled as she fixes me a plate and I had no choice but to eat in their home.

"What's my assignment for the next time we meet- other than me trying to get out this cast," I quickly added before Johannes could come up with something snarky.

The Music in My Heart 2Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ