Chapter 10

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Eleanora's pov

I can't get enough of her.

I could do this all damn day; making love to her.

I feel like a newly wedded couple who just moved into their first home. From the kitchen, to the bathroom and now the bedroom.

"Where's a towel?" Carter was coming in from behind on her tippy toes.

"Towel's not going to help how wet you are," I playfully pulled her in and pushed her onto the bed.

"I didn't want to make a mess," she reached over and pulls me down along with her as we were both laughing.

Our legs tangled and our lips found each other before we could even realize a kiss was what we were aching for.

"A mess? You're the one who got in the shower with your clothes on," I teased stroking locks of wet curls from her face.

She's so beautiful like this, skin radiant in the mornings as the sun shine through the ivory white curtains. Her skin just soaks up all the light and her grey cat eyes twinkle with wander and curiosity.

Being like this with her, I've forgotten reality- the outside world. The numbing affect of who we are outside these doors of privacy, I want her all to myself. I want no other to see what I see.

"Remind me not to be spontaneous if this is how it's going to be used against me," she rolled her eyes.

"Shut up, you know damn well I liked it," I giggled and kissed her tenderly.

My hum turned into a moan feeling her mouth slightly part and her tongue brushed against my lower lip. I gave in wanting to feel her tongue with mine.

I found myself on top of her and I could see goosebumps forming.

"Let's get you warm," I got up and started rummaging through my dressers.

"A towel would be great you know," she made me roll my eyes with a smile. I hear the drawer to my night stand open and close.

Found it.

I turned around watching Carter tying her damp curls up with a hair clamp and I greet her with a pastel violet sweatshirt. This shade of purple actually brings out the gold in her skin, hair and the silver tone on her eyes. She's yet to put it on and I'm imagining her wearing it already..

"What about you?" She threw it on and wasted no time pulling me onto the bed again.

Again with her mindfulness, I'd kiss her everytime if I knew I could keep my hands to myself.

"You had goosebumps and you were drenched. I didn't want you catching a cold," I confessed.

"You could've handed me a towel," she teased again I leaned against her body making her fall on her back.

"You and this damn towel, what can a towel do that I can't?" I playfully glared at her.

"Not make me wet?" She pretended to be coy.

I lulled my head back feeling her hand go between mg legs gently pressing.

"You smart ass," I bit my lip at the thought of sitting on her face but one thing at a t-

"Earlier You thought I was sexy for being smart," she made me smile.

I leaned down for a kiss and she carefully picks me up.

"Mm mm," I told her no and put my weight into making me sit on her lap.

"Just let me kiss you," I said in between gestures.

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