Chapter 4

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Eleanora's pov

Everyone seems to be happy during the dinner. I don't think I've seen Carter this lively in a while. It's a good feeling as well...

I can't help but feel like it was her decision to keep her lessons from Johannes as secret has weighed down on her this much.

"That's some good dip," George was wiping his lips with his napkin.

"You ate the entire thing, George," Melissa sighed and Lillian smiled trying to keep from laughing.

"You didn't want any," he shrugged and took a sip on his beer.

"It's alright lad, at least you asked before devouring it. Some women are trickier than others," my bosses joked and the two men laughed.

"Excuse me?" Melissa took the joke a bit too literal.

"Oh yeah? What am I?" Johannes caught my boss' attention before he could respond.

Dear god please help me.

"Carter's piano teacher," he took it lightly.

"I thought we had something," she groaned and Carter hid her smile behind the menu.

"Ma'am, you threatened me with a stick- twice," he reasoned.

"Love isn't easy you know. I even taught piano to that one over there," she explained and I swear to you I'm nauseous that this is really happening right now.

"So you do love me?" Carter made Michelle and Jolene break into a laugh.

"Don't compromise me- not after I just got rejected," she sassed and Carter just shrugged with a smile and the headmaster chuckles.

"I, Esmeralda Johannes, will have everyone suffer the wrath of my stick," she declared.

"I, Bishop Hartfield, think that's unsanitary," my boss replied.

"Are you flirting with me? You're flirting with me," Johannes smirked and I rolled my eyes in agony that this is who I'll be sitting next to for the entire night.

"Would you like more time or are you ready to order?" Our waiter approached us but this time from George's end. Probably to keep a distance from Johannes, completely understandable.

"Woman of the hour?" Jolene spoke up.

"Mmmm pizza," Carter smiled.

"Carter, honey, this is a nice res-

"Actually, we have a special. We recently have a new chef and they over produced spinach artichoke dip. We can hand craft some dough and make it a flat crust with a garlic butter finish if you're interested. It'll be free since it's not actually on the menu- and congrats on getting out of the cast, i overheard," he informed everyone.

"Cool and thanks," Carter smiled amazed by the offer.

"I like free, I'll have one too if possible," George jumped in.

"Lad, you just ate a bowl full of it. It's a blessing you're not lactose intolerant," my boss looked at him shocked.

"Well bishop- can I call you bishop? I don't know, the beer is making me feel warm and tingly. Bishop, that's what the beer and your company is for. You don't get named bishop if you're not an act of a blessing," he made the headmaster laugh and they both clinked their drinks in agreement.

"They became drinking buddies instantly- what does he have that I don't?" Johannes retorted.

God, if you're out there-

"Alright, what else can I do for you guys?" He finished scribbling.

Thank you, I promise I will be on best behavior.

The Music in My Heart 2Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant