Chapter 11

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Carter's pov

It was extremely dark in the bedroom.

"Fuck!" I whisper yelled to myself and started rummaging through the sheets for my phone.

"Shit, shit, shit," I frantically dialed my mom's number with so many missed calls.

"Hey honey!" She chirped.

It's so noticeable how fucked I am.

"I'm so sorry mom," I started rambling as I put on my thongs. If it weren't for this sweatshirt Eleanora put on me, I'd be freezing with the sniffles right now.

"Carter, honey? Deep breaths, you're scaring me," she's acting as if nothing went wrong and I just looked at over 20 missed calls and the recent one was fifteen minutes ago.

"What are you talking about? I missed so many of your calls and I didn't communicate with you and-

"Carter, mommy's having some alone time with her lady friend too. I suggest you do the same okay? I shouldn't have overreacted like that. I need to give you some space of your own. Now, I'm not saying I'm gonna stop checking up on you all together, but I should be more subtle about it," she made my brows scrunch up in the most confused possible way- how and why?

"But I didn't talk to you all day..." I still felt guilty.

"And that's okay. You're your own little adult. The only thing you should be reaching out to me about is for help- not permission or validation. All I can do is hope you make the right the decisions and whatever you do, it's done safely. Knowing Eleanora, she'll make it her business that you're safe," she softly chuckled with a sigh.

"I- uh... wow..." I ran out of words to speak.

"Me and Eleanora did a lot of catching up earlier this afternoon- she even helped me with my date with Lillian tonight. If I'm not mistaken, she was asking me about your favorite foods," my mom hinted.

"Sorry mom, if she cooks anything Italian or from Hungary, she holds the trophy," I confessed and she laughed.

"And if I make my blueberry pancakes and chocolate chip  or oatmeal raisin cookies, I hold the trophy to those," she warned playfully.

"No one tops your blueberry pancakes, it literally has ice cream on top and melted white chocolate- c'mon mom," I reasoned.

"I know, I know. Let me know if you need anything Carter, we'll chat later?" She sounded so happy and- even more supportive than before... I'm speechless.

"Yes. Hey mom?.... I love you," I was still taken aback.

"I've always loved you sweetie, goodnight honey," she kissed the phone and hung up.

I guess I should start roaming around and find Eleanora.

I softly gasped and my cheeks turned hot thinking about this morning's events; all the way into the afternoon... it kind of went blurry after the phone call with my mom. I got tired but now I'm hungry..

The second I got up, I had the strangest urge to use the bathroom.

"Oh, god," I softly groaned.

"Carter?" Eleanora called down stairs.

What is this?

I just want to use the bathroom and-

A moan came from my mouth and I immediately gasped.

"I'm fine," I called.

I'm so sensitive, I can't even pee without feeling like the way I did earlier when we-

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